Saturday, April 14, 2007

Inborn Potential

This was my first archmed for a session after 'the eyes of trinity' where an arch suggested, and IG confirmed, that I could actually focus on the arch work not just to facilitate rapport for remote viewing data collection, but for actual personal evolution as well.

I went to my normal area in my inner space for arch-session work. It's a place near the plateau with my outer guides, but totally set off on its own, and Inner Guide joins me there.

I started to ask for the archetype of the target, and then decided to change the request, to the composite of the archetype of the target plus whatever energies would contribute to my own personal development. And then I stopped and thought, well how selfish is that. If the point here is working jointly with the target, why am I not also asking for what is most beneficial to the target?

I know, most people think only people, perhaps animals, can evolve. But I think all matter is energy, and all energy is consciousness, so technically a gum wrapper has more than we give it credit for; perhaps its collection of consciousness is very small comparatively, less complex; it is not aware, let alone self-aware; but so what?

It reminds me of A Course in Miracles and how people get different side effects from reading it. I passed through several phases. Including the one where I considered everything around me "fake". It was all illusion after all. And once that finally sunk in, then I passed to the "fatalism" phase. If everything is only illusion, who gives a damn if there is nuclear war, even? Or anything else? It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Because everything is fake. Everything is just illusion.

But then finally, thankfully, I passed that too. I realized that everything is energy poured into a creative form-of-intent. Every kind of material that goes into making something is like another addition to the choir of something working as a community. The things we see around us that we devalue, that we ignore, are just as amazing and beautiful and holy as anything else. It took us centuries to develop the technology to build a modern stopsign, never mind a stoplight. There is such deep symbolic dream-symbol meaning in the many aspects of a sidewalk. There is profound significance in a "sliding glass door."

Your couch and your television are as close to you as family in an energetic sense. Physicists say we trade atoms constantly with everybody and everything around us. So now we know why the sages said you had to love everything and you should remove anything from your environment that you could not love. Because every atom you integrate from something you disrespect, something you invalidate, something you dislike, is now a part of you bearing that energy.

Occasionally I've had a rather offbeat 'connection' with inanimate objects. Once I managed to fix a broken sewing machine by putting my hand on it and talking to it in prayer for about 15 minutes. But what began as a simple prayer out of need, became a whole mutual love-fest. That sewing machine, I came to realize during the experience, it has its own destiny. It has what you might call its own divine purpose: the one we built it to fulfill. I suddenly realized what a wrong it is for humans to hoard things, to collect things with a function such as books and machines and then hide them away, never to let them be explored and used for their purpose. They have a sort of joy in their purpose just like we do. Except that they are not aware or self-aware, but all consciousness does have a sort of "inherent awareness" in my experience, and they have at least that.

Humans, at least in my experience, seem to have a spiritual facility that it utterly astounding: we can connect with anything, and when we do, we "share" ourselves and our consciousness. I believe that when a human connects with an entity of larger consciousness, they "share" that entity's larger awareness and become, momentarily, a larger-entity by proxy. Well inanimate objects and machines, when a human consciousness truly validates them and is able to make rapport with them, acquire temporarily some of our own consciousness -- enough to make them better able to communicate with us, not necessarily in words, but in a form of "awareness" that is a bit ineffable and I suppose has to be experienced to be understood.

I'm wandering. Back to the meditation.


So in the end I told IG, "For my session archmeds from now on, I want you to bring me what YOU think is the best composite combination of these archetypal energies:
1 - The target itself, and my ability to get rapport with it
2 - The evolution of the target in some fashion based on our interaction
3 - The evolution of me in some fashion based on our interaction."

Of course the archetype, most of the time, has very little to do on the surface with what the target turns out to be, but this doesn't matter much to me.


As I opened my eyes I saw something in the sky falling toward me. I stepped back, and a large stone rectangular block crashed into the ground in front of me. It was shaped a lot like one of those big stone blocks in graveyards that look like they are just a big shape 'around' a casket or sarcophagus.

I stared at it. A solid block of stone is pretty novel for an archetype, I thought. How the heck will I figure out how to interact with this??

Solid is an assumption, I realized. So I imagined X-Ray vision and I slowly scanned it from one side to the other from the top. It looked like there was something in it, way down at the center; beam shapes sort of; bones? I'd never done this before in an archmed after all this time of doing them.

I turned to IG and said, Can we be reaaaaaally tiny and etheric so we can just go inside the middle of it and see? I realized I felt a bit nervous so I called Responsibility (one of my fave archs) to come and help me. My ultimate warrior with the golden eyes. Then we all got small and went inside.

First I just saw darkness, and then beams of some sort in the distance around us. And then in what seemed an unbelievably vast span of space, were tons of starships, floating in the darkness. Like a whole fleet of different design and intent. I had a sort of emotional impression of awe, kind of hard to put words to, but something related to like, dreams becoming real.

I said to IG, but what does it mean?

Of course he seldom answers that. Sigh.

We went back to normal size outside and staring at the big chunk on the ground in front of me. I told Responsibility I had missed him, and we hugged each other until we dissolved into each other. So nice, minor rush. Then I turned back to the stone shape and said ok, I'm just going to use water, chemical and energy 'of Life' on you on the outside and see if anything happens at all. I'll go from there.

So imagined all these things combining and raining down on it; it was raining outside, which helped. And the stone started dissolving away. More and more, revealing something that seemed an odd shape inside like black with many limbs or beams, something kind of like a machine perhaps. When everything around and through it had dissolved, I couldn't see it clearly anymore; I didn't really understand it.

I (as usual) said, "I respect you. I honor you. Thank you for working with me."

I imagined opening my heart chakra and genuinely loving it, and suddenly my whole perspective shifted, and in amazed delight I said, "This is YOURS!" and to share with it, I imagined myself back in the 'space' where I had been at first, while connected to this new arch form at the same time, and it was a sort of mutual awe, as we both realized, "This is your/my potential." The starships. The furtherance of the dreams of man; technology taken to so much grander heights, that in turns helps man grow as well. I had such an awesome rush "with" the arch as it shared my original perception of it, and I felt so... humbled.

Humbled that I'm so self centered I had not taken seriously enough that everything is equal. As a human I am no more valuable than a gum wrapper except to other humans and to identities that interact with me. Everything is equal. All numbers are infinite. That is IT, you see; when you truly realize that everything is equal, that has to include US. And when you absorb it, it's like the importance and value of everything else in the universe gets a sudden massive promotion (as our oversized ego dwindles down to its rightful size).

The target's archetype -- the combined energies of it, which so hilariously usually have zip to do with what I consciously, in "objective reality" consider the target to be -- it is our equal. It is not just some inanimate 'thing' over 'there' back or forward 'then'. There is no time, no space, and there is no such thing as an objective scale of importance. We are not just getting information as if info exists only for our convenience. Information is energy, is consciousness, just like we are. Any given collection of it is a sort of identity, just like we are. It has its *own* reason for being, its *own* destiny and even its *own* needs and wants and evolution, no matter how differently those may be perceived since it is not the same kind of life we are except at the most core level. I can't say I understand how this can be. I can only say that this is my perception.

I was so happy for it. I was enthralled to be a witness to its potential and to its sense of potential. It seemed... sort of holy.

I receded to my sense of self and looked at it again. I almost didn't want to ask for any energy from it in trade, the normal archmed routine. I felt almost like I was intruding on something important enough that my wishes were kind of trivial. But IG nudged me and I felt I should, so I said, do you have anything you can put on or in my body to share energy with me?

And I felt my left arm at the shoulder blade do something odd inside I can't explain, and then I watched as my entire arm in a shift moving downward through it, changed into a complex, super strong, super high technology, black and somewhat hinged machine-like arm, all the way down to the hand. I had a great rush while this was happening as if it were a form of merge. I never had anything like that in an archmed either.

Then I grinned at IG and as the arch disappeared I rolled that world up inside me.


I decided I need to write this stuff down. I didn't much originally because I felt that if I shared it with others, they would not understand.

First because unless a person does archetype meditations they just don't get it, period.

Second because most people would think meditating on the target, for a remote viewer, should result in an arch that has something in common with it, which 99% of the time it doesn't. For example if I assumed the target that this archetype relates to is some kind of machine or technology I'll probably be wildly wrong.

Third, because most people would think that this is scary because "some targets are bad." But that's part of the fundamental shift in perspective that this whole philosophy brings, you know; every number is equal. A target that is an assassination or an earthquake or an event is no different in importance than a target that is a single person or an idea or a drawbridge. They are all "creative collections of energy assigned a form;" they all have an identity of sorts, though what that is shifts even as our own assignment of their inclusion/ definition shifts.

Cool, man.

I don't know if doing these meds on most of my targets prior to session is going to have some effect on me or not. I hope a good one, if anything. Archmeds are incredibly powerful, reality-changing things. But, usually I do them on things with direct relevance to my life. I don't know what it really means, what the effect is, doing it on every imaginable target. I guess I will just do it and find out.

By the way, in my eagerness to do this med and write this down...

...I missed the deadline on the RV session! Criminy! This was for Radical RV and I totally blew it. Well, I got something out of it, but I doubt they are going to appreciate that detail. ;-)

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