I get a lot of email from the public, not much of which I have time to answer. But this one recently, I started to answer, then it became an essay, then I had to write something else as background, and finally I gave up and decided that I must really need to flesh that out, and I should blog it.
So the following post covers:
Archetype Meditations
Hands-on Energy Healing
Energy Geometry
A little more on personalization
How to do "Reality Meds" as I called them
The email that sparked this novel:
I came across the following statement on your website: "I believe that what is inside me, is reflected outside me, and that the 'personal relationship' is basically the spiritual 'technology' of "causing change in accordance with one's will" (creation of reality, aka 'magick')."
The first part I understand, because I also experience the inner and the outer as mutually reflective. But I don't understand what is meant by "personal relationship is basically the spiritual technology of causing change in accordance with one's will." Would you explain what that means or point me to a resource explaining it?
Ceremonial Magick is a combination of several kinds of yoga simultaneously: physical, mental, emotional, etc. Magick is yoga-with-drama, I joke. Pretty much every powerful form of working on reality comes down to symbolism: to developing "intuitive" practices that allow you to "experience your inner landscape and its inhabitants" and to interact with that.
Archetype meditations are a direct and full application of "inner landscape work." In the case of Edwin Steinbrecher's book, "The Inner Guide Meditation", they are specifically done with the utilization of an "Inner Guide" to give advice, provide you doses within what you can handle; to protect you and guide you. Having encountered some pretty hairy archetype experiences in my past, I can't imagine doing this kind of thing without an IG. Although IG is wonderful for other reasons too. Steinbrecher seemed to believe that the reason Jung (and others) considered this work the most powerful work "and yet dangerous", was mostly because they did not HAVE an inner guide. The concept had just not come around. But technically, if your mind or spirit can create and populate an entire 'inner landscape', it can certainly create an all-powerful 'managing advisor' or inner guide to walk you through it. I personally think you can apply this kind of framework even to more traditional metaphysical work, as well.
In the end, no matter what model you use, all the models for directly working on the nature of reality amount to 'personalization'. That is to say, developing a personal relationship with a given energy so that you can interact with it. When you and that energy change things "inside" between you, based on your relationship/activity, the outside reality changes -- because the outside is just a reflection. Within days things generally change, following an archmed, though with really good or consistent multiple meds, I've had them change in hours, and even minutes (and sometimes even seconds, but that usually that's more in Reality-meds than Arch-meds).
Reality is based on energy relationships, not object properties. All the 'physical' reality around us is just a whole lot of vibrating energy that we perceive as physical because we're in the same part of the frequency spectrum and the same beat pattern. When we work with energy, it is not a one-step-removed thing. It is not like language, where a word represents a concept, so you are working with something 'here' that is 'referring to' something 'over there'. It is more like the angelic language, where what I perceive as some kind of geometry actually IS the actual THING in question. There is no space or time at a deeper level, and when your archetype appears and you work with it, you are literally working with the energy that "composes" all the physical events and situations and people and places and things and dynamics in question. When we get something symbolic, and we say our archetype "represents" those energies, this is not happening from afar. All those energies combine and "the face they wear" IS the archetype.
In order for us to work with energies, one way or another, we personalize it into a 'thing' or 'experience' -- singular -- so that we can have an interactive relationship with it. We are individuals, and personal relationships are what we do. When we de-personalize things, they become fuzzy, amorphous and even indistinct. 'God' of the personal relationship becomes 'to whom it may concern', a fuzzy energy up there in the clouds, when de-personalized. The "personal relationship" is the one that allows direct change of the energies that reality reflects.
You might say that we have the tools to change reality-- we have a hammer. But until we have a nail, that is pointless. We can consciously bring energies together "inside us" -- or "find them" inside us -- and then, having become a singular thing we can focus on and interact with, they have become that nail.
Archetype meditations are the deliberate process of personalizing one or more energies/relationships and working with them. In short, you allow the mind to create a conscious 'dream symbol' to represent something. And then you work with that symbol. So if the energy is an abstract -- an event, a lack of money, a problem relationship, a physical situation -- this lets you put it into a singular form that you CAN have "a personal relationship with" in your internal world. It's pretty difficult to have "a personal relationship" with a work situation, for example. What is a 'situation'? It's an abstract, a cloud-of-somethingness, a cloud-of-effect, sort of. But if your IG gives you an archetype that combines those energies, then you certainly can work with it up close and personal.
When you first begin these, many people can't see or sense much, are sure they're imagining it all, etc. It takes practice, in part because one is building the thought-form of the 'framework' for the meditations with every one we practice. Everything gets more sense-able, more vivid, more spontaneous and surprising, more intense in result, over time. We 'build' that internal world. The archetypes are generally one-off, except some basics, but the framework of the world is strengthened with the energy we give it every time we visit. Some people are really good right off because they already have good visualization and intuitive skills. I had the former but not the latter when I started them, and far too much left-brain (so to speak) interference, so for me it was a lot of work.
The less practiced I am, the less clear my inner world is. The more of a problem I have with an archetype, the more difficult it is for me to see them clearly. When I get a new inner guide, I usually feel intimidated, as if they don't really like or approve of me, although this last one was different. The more altered state I am when doing an archmed, the more easily it flows without my conscious interference, and the more emotional it tends to be. So there are some basics that contribute to these working well. But if you're just starting off and it seems barely-there and you're not altered state at all and your sense of your IG is uncomfortable--that will pass. It's part of the adapting. Consistent practice ("consistency means more than quantity" my current IG told me) will take care of it.
There is a different category of relationship too. There are some archetypes that I appeared to have a close enough relationship to perceive pretty well, either visually or sensually or both, but the relationship was frightening. "Performance" was one; I accidentally asked for THE archetype of performance, not MY archetype, just at a time when I was learning about that difference so I suppose my IG was helping teach me... that was a mistake. I was screaming "Get it off me! Get it off me!" Let's just say that one didn't go well. Another was "Fear of Psi." I thought that would be an easy one because hey, I of all people have no fear there. I've done a few of those and they have all been gut-wrenching combinations of morbid dread and alienish identity-threat. I mean SO frightening that I had to do them in the day, eyes open, visualizing the arch against the wall of the opposite side of the room--and still my whole body reacted with the fear. Sheesh.
It goes without saying that positive archetypes are usually easier to perceive and work with than negative archetypes. So on a good day, do your "Sun" for example. Usually he or she is 'golden' and beautiful and filled with radiant energy. If you want to do "my problems with my father", be prepared to have a fairly taxing internal experience.
There are many techniques that you can employ once you're used to the archetype meditations (archmeds). You can bring in strong archs like your sun or other planets, to help you work with problem archs. You can have multiple archs hold hands and share some energy. I've brought in most my planets and physically hid behind them while working with a couple of really tough problem archs before, which is kind of funny. You can work with a positive arch just before or after working with a problematic one. And of course, you don't have to work just on the problem angle of things. You can as easily work with the archetype of "the love and good relationship of my mother and I" as you can "the problems between my mother and I", for example; guess which one will be 'harder to get around to doing' and getting through.
It was the early 1990s and I had taken up a close association with a woman who was a... metaphysical minister, a teacher, a variety of things. We'll call her ML. I was part of her nightly classes, four nights a week, and eventually lived for six months on her couch no less. But initially I was just a member of the classes. They were all interesting but the most effective for me by far, especially once I got the hang of them, were the ones on archetype meditations.
She could project rather powerfully some brainwave state I seriously suspect was delta, given its ability to put any number of people to sleep very rapidly. I passed out shortly into all the meditations, when I began. Since I had spent years working on self-hypnosis, and had the ability to be in extremely deep trance and still fully lucid, I was pretty blown away by this. The other students had gradually adapted, and they stepped over my snoring body on their way out each night. I eventually was able to hold the state of mind while remaining fully conscious. Eventually when I was very good at this, I could actually feel her leaning on me; we were close friends, but it was a small control issue; I became aware of a lot of subtle energy things I had not been to start with. In any case, brainwave state has a great deal to do with how easy and autonomous these are. The closer you are to dreaming, the better -- but you don't want to be too close to sleep, or you WILL sleep, or you will lose track of what you're doing and mentally wander.
I was the psychic-nerd. We would decompress after, and talk about our experiences. While other people were working with Jesus and natives with wolf heads and fairies as archetypes, who put crystals in their chakras, my archetypes were things like, "a black knight chess piece who put a rotary saw blade into my inner arm." I was the entertainment for my group with my bizarre stuff, and I have to admit that I really felt quite goonish that my experiences weren't the more predictable model of theirs. I always went last in the telling, because everyone laughed so much about mine, it kind of killed the 'serious' mood for any talk after that. Everybody was ready for a break and some pie and coffee after MY account.
I admit, if they had been 'predictable', I probably would have rejected them, feeling twice as much that "I was imagining it". I mean, of course -- imagination is the "tool" but it is not consciously welded in this, the subconscious (and the universe of energy at large) is using the tool for communicating with you. But the more offbeat and surprising something was, the better I felt about it. Most my classmates' archetypes were some kind of person or shamanic or spiritual creature. Mine could be anything and was always uniquely surprising. My archetypes were almost never a person like everyone else's. I learned that I could ask for that if I wanted. Even in the middle of the med I can. But I prefer to let it take whatever creative form it can, without limiting it. The only time I ask for a person is if I want to do some tantric work with it, or if I'm just really having a hard time dealing with whatever it is.
The energy trade was different, too. Most my classmates had what I'd consider pretty standard stuff. They would get a crystal or a small buddha statue or a ball of light and it would be put usually in one of their chakras. I've had every imaginable thing turn up here as well, and had archetypes 'pull strings' of energy out of me (and me do it for them), and they put stuff in really bizarre places like my heel or inner arm or kneecap (my torso is most common I admit). The number of frankly bizarre things that made up the 'energy trade' part of the meditation were just as offbeat as the archeytpe.
So... even in a group of people so weird they did this 'archetype work', I was still a weirdo. Weird squared, maybe.
One of the things I worked on as much as archmeds during that period was hands-on energy work. They are connected, but bear with me. Hands-on Energy work is a phrase, it's not really descriptive. Many people have heard of Reiki; this is a 'trademarked version' of one person's system of energy work. We were not doing that. We were just-doing-it, Nike-slogan style. But the phrasing isn't too good. First off, even when working with your hands, you seldom if ever touch the person. Second off, you don't need to work with your hands, and most of my work I did either 'through' one of my chakras or I just simple 'did it'; maybe psychically is the word here, I'm not sure. You just find the patterns and adjust them. At the time I learned this stuff, the word psychic would have kind of offended me, so I'm glad it wasn't employed.
When my classmates did this, they would often pick up on the 'emotional drama' of people they did energy work on, even if we were working with each other. It was a pretty personal thing, for them. Again, I was completely weird to them. I didn't get a lot of the personal info that other energy workers did; what I did get was a sense of shapes. Triangles and squares and rings and barbed hooks and strings and a nearly infinite number of 'shapes' that don't have any words of course; a whole kaledascopic geometry of shapes that did pretty well at showing the 'relationship or status' of energy in a given person.
I didn't really care whether a person's issue stemmed from a problem in the 4th chakra that was born of Event X with another person in childhood for example; that is none of my business, and maybe my beliefs about that are the reason that I "geometrized" the information (yes... I just made that word up). If I perceived a sort of 'full environment' of innumerable different shapes, each with a different color, texture, firmness, nature, motion, density, porousness, flexibility, etc. all sort of operating together, rather like the world of a galaxy or the world at the molecular level, well, that's just how it came through for me. That's all I had, so I went with it.
At first I felt pretty goonish that I didn't seem to be picking up on "how Jane felt" when I was doing this work. I privately suspected it was in part because I didn't really care how Jane felt. Not in any detail. I used to tell people, when I and others were studying together in hypnosis in previous years, that I had no desire to be a therapist or save other people from their problems; I studied it to figure myself out, not others. I eventually came to believe this was true for everybody--"run, don't walk, from psych majors"--people study such things to understand themselves. I suspected I was just a lot more clear on this than they were.
So when I "looked/felt inside someone" looking for any "problem" that needed some work I could help with, I wasn't looking for personal information. I didn't really feel that was my business or my concern. I'm slightly technical, slightly intellectual, and I suspect this is one way it manifests. I don't really feel that we need to assign a lot of personal baggage to the issues of energy problems. In other words, it may be that when you were 12, this thing happened, and you are still emotionally and physically affected by it. Fine. But in my view, I know that on an energetic level, it is more about geometry-dynamics than about your emotions--or perhaps more accurately, they are both "equal representations of the same energy" is how I should say it. Maybe to the subject, it is represented as 'an emotional problem' or 'back pain' but to me it's represented as a gnarly-knot of energy, a few barbs and broken patterns and something stuck and gummy.
I don't need to know the emotions or the event. I just need to find the source of the energy problem and fix it. Which is always pretty straightforward, though it varies a lot in detail. You know, we create our reality, and if my car breaks down, it has meaning, it is a dream symbol. But my mechanic does not need to know the spiritual or emotional reasons why I manifested this in my life. He just reaches in with a wrench and fixes it, and you know what, it works just fine. A lot of working with reality is pretty practical really. It doesn't have to be all woo-woo.
The advantage of the 'geometrizing' approach is that it removes the conscious mind interference and intervention in stuff to a much greater degree than ordinary psychic work. Because shapes/dynamics are just that to me, I was not interpreting, judging, reacting to, my feelings about someone else's feelings. I have no judgement or expectation related to Jane or her experience because I don't know about them. It's too bad I can't seem to use this approach for RV so far, because it's a great way of yanking the AOL out of the process. Using internal geometry, I had no reason for my interpretive mind to guess or interfere with anything. I don't 'expect' things to be any shape just because some other part was a given shape (constant problem in psychic work, to get a hint of something and then expect something else based on that).
I don't evaluate any personal-meaning to shapes; I can feel that one is interfering with another and work with that, but that's all it was to me, a sort of intimately personal internal geometry. Hey look at that, the triangle has a hook that's holding it and the wheel-like thing keeps running into it and bouncing off. Well we'll just dissolve/melt the hook and then release that to whomever has the other end, and then let the triangle naturally move over here where it appears to belong, and then the wheel shape can roll freely. Great, we're done. Easy. Sort of. Sure I sometimes had my own feelings during it--feelings of fear, dread, confusion, etc. that I could feel related like "that triangle is filled with confusion" --but they were fairly mild and seldom if ever 'personal' in any way that told me anything about the person. Even that wasn't very common.
So classmates would describe things that sounded like, as a psychic, they tuned into someone and worked with them and their feelings and so on. I would describe my experiences and they sounded completely bizarre and stupid, and really words can't begin to describe them anyway. As usual, I was the entertainment factor.
And yet, no matter how offbeat my means of perceiving and working with energy and people, it worked.
If you think of a human body as being an energy body, a little bigger than the regular body, then you just imagine that you look or feel around in it, and if there is something 'in the way' so to speak, you'll perceive it. It can be different colors, shapes, hardness, etc. Usually as far as the scan is concerned, it seems to be "lodged" in them. The energy body is like "an infinite onion" of "layers" of energy, is the way I perceive it.
I could scan someone -- "feel inside the whole-them" -- looking for issues I could help with. I would have a sense of 'something' in the way in various areas. It might feel like some kind of shape/color/dynamic. Often, I could not feel it clearly, I could feel that it was "buried under many layers".
The things that are near the surface, for me are usually 'little things'. They feel like "little attachments," small energy constructs with a few tiny hooks in them, ranging from a patch of velcro to a nasty bramble, that are on or near the 'outside layer' of the person's energy-field. Those are easy to get rid of. It's like just cleaning junk off. How much of this a person has probably depends on how much energy cleansing they do in various ways. Some people are buried under such things, and some people have like none. I suspect that traditional 'forgiveness' type prayer with a sincere intent deals with these things just as well as a metaphysical exercise does.
Things which are pretty serious, and causing any emotional or physical problem that the subject or others perceive, aren't that easy though. Usually they are deep inside them, and the deepest things are usually buried in a chakra (usually the lower ones but not always). Usually the energy seems self-contained, by which I mean it's just a shape "in" the person. (Usually, it's a shape that is connected to other shapes "further inside".)
Other times it is clearly "connected to" something or someone we would call 'outside them'; usually in that case it will appear kind of like something lodged in them has a string or rubber band or iron bar (depending on the nature of it) that leads 'out' to something I can't usually perceive, though occasionally I might get a very vague sense of a person like a child vs. an older man for example. The perception of the hook itself tells me what I need to know about the relationship. Some are anchored in a person in a way that seems mostly like a moderate control issue, such as a parent might have with an adult child. If however it's a hardened steel black bar that has one gigantic hook that is impossibly long, off which comes hundreds more hooks like a whole fractal made of hooks, that is rooted as a gigantic thing deep in their chakra--that is going to be some really horrible, likely long term relationship that was terribly abusive in some way. Usually the chakra it's rooted in will tell you something about the relationship. If it's near the heart, the connection is probably overriding guilt manipulation. If it's in the first chakra, the connection was probably physical assault-beating (survival issues here). If it's in the second chakra, the connection was probably forcibly sexual. You get the idea.
If it's still a hook and not just an object, it means the person hasn't really dealt with it yet. You can usually get a sense of how "hard the hook is pulling on them" as well. Some things seem like "old energy", by which I mean it's been there a long time and should be removed but is not actively pulling, it's just 'still there' is all. Other things seem like they are constantly pulling really hard and digging those hooks in painfully all the time. It's not common for this, what I'm describing, that's a pretty severe example. Most the time stuff is just tangled, knotted, dirty, melted-flattened, severed or broken, mixed/wadded-up, whatever and you just work with however you perceive it.
So I would go 'inward' until I felt I had arrived 'at' the energy-construct I needed to work on. Sometimes when I got there, it was only to discover that although there was an energy form at this level, the actual source/root/core of it was 'deeper'. You have to start at the core of it, I intuitively understand this. So I would go deeper "inward", following the thread/line of energy, until I got to the core or the next place along the line. Sometimes there are many and it literally takes awhile to get to the root of it, and it takes awhile to work it out, and it takes awhile to go back up through each area of 'affected energy' that is connected, until you are back at the surface. I'm not sure what this time element is.
One time around '95 I was doing some meditation where you focused on aligning all the cells of your body in the same direction, or something like that. I wasn't even sure what I was doing. I started it, and found it interesting that although I sensed I could make it happen, that it was really taking me time, to gradually go through the body, and will it, and it took awhile to get each part of the body fully aligned. I wondered to myself if the time factor was somehow required, or if it had to do with me, with my thinking that it "should" take time. Anyway, the next day I was minding my own business when I briefly thought of that exercise and suddenly FELT every single cell in my body align the same direction. I mean--it is ineffable, there are no words to describe this, but suffice to say I KNEW it had just happened all in an instant with no "time" required. I felt that was my answer: no... time is not a required element, or if it is, that is only about the belief systems of the person doing it. I suspect it is the same in energy work.
So back to the energy work: let's say there was a 'hook' in someone, in the midst of a chakra. I would work on clearing that particular energy onion (chakra) of various issues, and healing it, and gradually dissolving the barb on the hook and smoothing it out while 'holding it' in place temporarily, because it had a sense of constant 'tug' on it. I would have lots of positive energy ready to fill that sudden void within them. And then I would 'let go' of the line of the hook -- and there would be this profound sense of it snapping back to someone like a tape measure, SHshSHshSHshTHWAP!! on a psychic level -- which had a sort of sense of satisfaction I admit!
This made me wonder how it affects the other person. I have no idea.
Despite that for me, the process was mostly a matter of working with shapes, colors, textures, and the 'dynamics' of them -- and not about the emotional stuff other 'psychic' people were picking up on -- it seemed to be just as effective, if not moreso, than what the people I was studying with were doing. More than once, I worked on someone I could clearly perceive a problem in -- 'geometrically' you might say -- who was merely present with me and others, who I knew nothing about, only to clear them and within 30 seconds have them just burst into tears and suddenly start gushing about some horrible problem they'd had for years and had never admitted to anybody and so on.
One woman for example was talking cheerfully about her engagement with ML and us. Her mother was there beside her. She was discussing the fun things, and where she was registered for gifts, and what they were planning after the wedding, and so on. I couldn't help but notice the hardest, sharpest, hairiest giant hook I'd seen was deeply lodged, multi-spiked, really deep in her 2nd chakra. It was frankly disturbing even to be aware of. So while she talked to ML I started working on this horrible hook. I finally got all the tons of spikes-on-spikes dissolved down and everything all clean and healed and I was holding tightly to the sense of the hook which was pulling hard, and then I let go of it -THWOP! was the feel -- and she suddenly in the midst of a happy sentence, burst out bawling and suddenly told us all about her father molesting her from the age of 5 to 15. Her mother sitting there was speechless, white as a ghost with shock. The girl had never had the courage to say anything and it had just been this horrible deep shame and secret all her life, riding under the surface. All the sudden, coincidentally mere seconds after I finished quietly working on her, she was ready to vent that. When you have enough of these experiences, especially when people don't consciously know you're working on them, and when they clearly interrupt something else to 'react' to it, you cease to doubt the 'coincidence of timing' anymore.
It got to where on occasion someone in the middle of an ordinary conversation would stop and look like something radical just happened inside them and burst into tears (or some other emotional reaction), or they would just stop and radically change subject, and the people in the room I knew would look at ME -- and later say, "What were you DOing??" Busted.
it became difficult to have any communication with a person without becoming 'aware' of innumerable elements of their 'energetic health' in the process. And I felt impelled by the awareness to DO something. Some people have this idea that you have to go through this big permission thing in order to heal someone. I don't relate to that framework. In my opinion everybody is psychic and reality is a map of what we and they have jointly created. If someone who needs healing shows up to have lunch with someone who happens to be a healer, far as I'm concerned that's what's supposed to happen. Like when my teacher of the time told me -- the medical model skeptic psychic brick -- "the universe dropped you in front of me for some reason, so just show up for class and we'll see how it goes" -- it's an acceptance. My reality reflects me, so I owe it respect, love and healing. To think that some person dropped in front of me, energetically bleeding so to speak, and I'm an energetic ER doc so to speak, and that I somehow "don't have the right" to help them, seems ludicrous. That seems like it totally invalidates both me and the other person as having any psi ability at all, as if they found me by sheer chance and it would be rude to stop their bleeding.
My step-grandmother, who was into Eckankar, didn't believe in healing. She believed if you did it, you got the 'karma' or energetic 'lesson' of the person you healed. I don't agree with this. I DO actually believe there is a way of exactly that happening, though. If you work with someone else's archetypes deliberately (not your own) this seems to happen.
My teacher and I did this, her working with mine just out of curious experiment. We didn't know at the time what would happen. She basically seemed to take on a whole lot of energy 'for' me, and I almost miraculously 'evolved' as if I had let go of all of it, while she 'devolved' instantly and quit literally became almost someone else; I mean, she was my teacher, I had great respect for her, and yet I observed (in ignorance at the time) that at the same moment I had almost miraculously "lost" a ton of personal problems, she had "gained" them. And they were ugly in me, but mostly I had them under control from long experience. It was all the worst parts of my astrology you might say. I had the qualities to 'deal with' many of those energies and still be very functional in the real world -- you might say I had developed many "compensatory" qualities over the years. The problem energies were quiet and mostly 'suppressed' (as opposed to truly let-go) in me.
Well she didn't have a lifetime of adaptation to those precise energies. And she is a very (very!) different kind of personality than I am. When she took them on--by accident--they were just right out front and center in her, and it was appalling. It was like we both radically changed. Me for the better, her for the worse. It was hard to understand at the time. I recognized consciously--I often thought about it--that it really did seem that somehow, she had taken on the same kind of issues I actually had, at the moment I had apparently let them go. I didn't realize until much later that it had to have been her working on MY archetypes that had shifted that energy to her somehow.
At some point years later, I suddenly got it all back all at once. I knew about when it happened, and suspected what had happened. I went from being highly "aware" and used to that state, to being a total trauma-queen, nearly overnight. I actually griped out loud that it seemed like I had "lost" many years of personal evolution I had worked my ass off for. But actually, what I'd lost was all the evolution I hadn't actually worked for--the energies she had taken on. She eventually got through it, apparently either realized it or just intuitively let it go, and I felt it revert to me much like a hook might in healing work, though that wasn't the type of connection. I had to work through them the hard way then, on my own. I don't know that they are all worked out by any means, but I am not in the state of mind I was when they rebounded on me, in any case. (The fact that I was living with someone possessed at that time, I'm sure did not help the equation.)
I suspect that had she known what she was doing better, she might have been able to work through and release those energies without suffering for them and without me simply getting them back. I have heard of indian Yogis doing that. But she was experimenting, and we were both learning. Well, now we know.
Archetype work is not just 'a meditation'. In practice it seems to be, but that is like saying that for a priest he is "just praying" or for an advanced martial artist he is "just practicing". That really doesn't adequately describe it when the process is part of a life-wide philosophy. A really good focus is not just about meditating once a week; it's about applying these concepts on the fly to your interaction with everything, as it happens. It's just another version of praying unceasingly.
The context of archetype meditation -- and magickal interaction -- and psychic functioning -- in my view is basically the same: as above, so below; as inside, so outside; as part of us, so apart from us. It's a holographic universe; time and space are just certain ways of perceiving energy density and intensity, just as light and sound and heat are certain ways of perceiving different energy frequency. Centrally, although any spacial term loses meaning at this point, it is about single-point, or maybe it's better to say zero-point, energy.
I believe that behind or within -- or really, "composing", mass, there is 'vibrating energy' as the physicists say. But I believe that composing that vibrating energy, is what you might call 'consciousness'. I normally avoid that word--it's far too fuzzy for my liking--but it's all I can use to describe this concept. To me, every mote of energy is a collection of consciousness. The more energy that is combined, the more 'awareness' begins to build, like a side-effect or property of the quantity increase. At a certain level it becomes a 'sense of identity' and then of 'individual' identity. At a next level it becomes capable of dualism, and then when yet more complex, of deception.
Awareness as it intensifies in density or intensity, reaches critical mass that shifts from 'aware' to 'self-aware' and eventually to fully 'autonomous'. But everything in our existence is composed of the same thing: motes of consciousness that combine to make up minute particles of energy that combine to make up minute particles of mass that combine to make up minute 'pieces' of our reality that combine to make up the fabric of our experience.
Whether it is your left elbow, a gum wrapper, your kitchen table, a birthday party event, your whole cat, or a tornado, it is made entirely of the same thing: the same single 'consciousness' in infinite variations, creates everything we are capable of experiencing about ourselves or reality. There is only the here, the now. If there is no time and no space, where else could there be and when? Awareness is a singular point, infinitely intentionally schizoid, for the sake of the experience. Or: for the creation of a novel experience we call 'life and reality'. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.
It's been my observation that the less personalized anything is, the less people are able to actually 'deal with it'. When we cannot have a relationship with a given identity, issue or event, when we cannot personalize it into a relationship, we are helpless. It's useless; it's a "life isn't fair" sort of generality we can do nothing about and even feel we haven't the right or reason to feel personally about even if, in fact, it's obviously affecting us personally or it wouldn't have come up at all. (Like the stand-up joke, "Don't take it personally," "How am I supposed to take it, as a group?" -- we can only be personal, individual, that is our nature.)
Nearly all destruction of peoples' relationship with a sense of God that I've observed has happened through the depersonalization of God--and the best relationships I've observed with it or felt with it have always been keyly contingent on a 'personal relationship' framework being invoked.
Nearly all seriously dysfunctional relationships and situations I've seen have clearly been related to the under-personalization of one or more of the individuals involved (eg, "he doesn't really hate me, he just has a drinking problem that makes him act like it, it isn't really personal against me").
In a reality created from the middle of the individual, everything is personal. It has to be. It should be.
In the archetype meditation framework, where the most shocking, reality change within days-hours-minutes-seconds have occurred for me over the years, it has always been the deliberate personalization of a given energy or energy-set, into something personalized "that I can work with" -- have a "relationship" with -- that has enabled that to occur.
This is more limited by my psychology's resistance to that level of fundamental change, once it realized the power that framework had, than anything else. So there is no lack of the ability of that meditation format, which I consider basically summing up anything into a personalized format so you can have a "personal relationship" with it, to rock reality. It's true magick in the original, core meaning of the word. The lack you run into -- I mean the reason why I'm not doing it 10 times a day and now living tanned in the south of france with several cabana boys (I'm joking) -- is "getting around to doing it" when cognitive dissonance or 'change=death' psychology kicks in. Once I finally get off my butt and do an archmed on an issue on my life, things change, but the resistance to getting around to it is truly ridiculous.
The period of my life when I discovered that and first pursued it though, before my psyche resistance really kicked in, was totally unbelievable. It reached outright reality-revising miracles in space and time. Initially within days things would change but then eventually within hours and even within seconds until there was NO doubt or questioning as to the source-cause of the change.
And as I began to understand that ANYTHING could be made an archetype -- and you can replace the word archetype with "collective personalized energy-identity, formed by intent for the purposes of having a personal relationship with it" -- at that point, it started getting even more amazing. Even a "situation", from major stuff (my coworker is the antichrist or something) to minor stuff (I'm on side A of a building, worried the UPS driver I'm waiting for will go to side B and miss me) was workable. Even an "event", from past stuff (the fight I just had with my father) to future stuff (the meeting I'm dreading with the board of directors), was workable. Even 'lack of' things -- a lack of money, my lack of a decent car, whatever it was at the time, could be an archetype.
When these things are personalized into archetypes, it enables the "personal relationship" on an energetic level. And when you pursue that relationship and working with what has become "it" -- an individualized-identity, no matter how many identities, energies, issues, etc. are in question -- you just watch the whole screen of your reality shift in accordance with the work.
Initially I did this in the "Inner Guide Meditation" format of Steinbrecher (see his book). When I read that book at first, I was SO not into tarot or astrology and was a little turned off by those as formats, but later understood the power of those things and why he used them (and my primary planets and a few key tarot symbols are some of my favorite archetypes). Eventually I did some of it in a more tantric format, with the positive archetypes; if you've got to daydream about and pour energy into something, let it be your relationship with your planets, because that's certainly doing you more good.
Later though I started developing a variety of creative meditation formats I would use for different purposes. All of them were surprisingly effective, given it was something 'in your head' -- feeling good about something is great but to me, it's mostly pointless if you don't see hard evidence of accomplishment around you, too. Some of the formats worked unusually well for "abstracted" kind of things.
You can make stuff up. They are just a creative 'personal relationship, visualization-based, meditational format' -- which if done correctly are so effective at altering one's reality that they are like the magic of a fantasy fiction novel!
I have several I made up, but I'm going to describe one in particular. I came up with it specifically for dealing with my reality "as I was living it" -- meaning while I'm walking around having a life, I was doing this on the fly. Because this meditation existed solely to tell me about and deal with my external reality, I called them "Reality Meds".
It is very difficult to describe this sort of thing in words. And much of the nature of such a meditation, no matter what the 'general format', has to be uniquely intuitive to the person doing it. I'm going to try to explain it in detail and give some image examples as little props, but how the reader interprets them I guess is individual.
It's likely to sound like this huge complicated process, when in fact it is simple and can be done quickly while you're having a conversation or driving down the road. It's just complex to explain. Once you've done it a few times and get the "feel" for it, it's easy.
First let me tell you a couple of things that differ from the archmed process.
In an archmed, the information you get up front about "your situation" is fairly generic. If you meditate on "my job interview tomorrow" and the archetype is a fanged monster, this is a clue. If you meditate on "my problems with my neighbors" and your archetype is broken and bleeding, this is a clue. But that's about the only kind of clue you get; you can see the "level of problem" something is by the arch, by how well you can perceive the arch, that sort of thing, and you "suspect" it will "improve" if the meditation goes well.
Part of the reason it is not more specific is because your actual question is very seldom specific that way. You are not usually saying, "Will I win the contest?" in an archmed. You are saying, "I want the archetype of Jupiter" or "I want an archetype that deals with my relationship with my boss". Much like the difference between psychic work ("get any intuitive information that remotely relates to some overall topic") and remote viewing ("get information that is most important and relevant to the specific question"), it's the same dynamic process, but what you're getting out depends on the way you're going into it.
In a realitymed, the information you get up front about "your situation" is fairly specific, because your question is more specific and usually a "yes/no, happens/doesn't" kind of thing. For example let us say that I am meditating on "whether or not I am going to get the promotion at work today." Let's say I don't know, it's still a probability in my perception since it hasn't happened. In a realitymed, I look at a pattern. I ask myself intuitively, how that pattern would look IF I was going to get the job. If it doesn't look pretty similar to how it already looks now, then I know I need to fix it. If I have the feeling that "about 65-70% of what I'm seeing needs to be in this kind of pattern," and about that much already is, even if a few tufts or groups of shapes are different, then I'm probably already ok. As a result, this kind of meditation is pretty good for doing on future events. Even 30 seconds into the future.
I thought it was just my imagination at first of course, but having already gone through it with archmeds, I decided to 'trust and learn from the results' what was real and what wasn't. Eventually I could just glance at a pattern and 'know' whether or not it matched what I wanted to happen and how far off it was and usually, in another half second, how much energy was "below/within" the current surface manifestation, and so how much work it would be to change it.
There is in-between of course. And there are times when you are in a situation which has occurred and you look at the pattern and you CAN change it (yes, even after the fact), and there are times even with plenty of time when you can't. You can usually feel a slight sense of wrongness when you try, when you can't, like doing so would be messing with something that you are not truly willing to change, something you're unaware of. You can go through the process and do the work, in your denial and refusal and insistence to change something in reality, but you will feel that it "won't stick," that it won't stay, that you can only affect the surface and the minute you let go, the pattern is going to snap back into the original form.
The other difference is the end point. In archmeds, it doesn't matter how it goes, in one respect. It's all good. Whether you barely perceive the arch and will have to come back to it, or whether you merge with it and get a massive rushing that rocks your whole body, just the attempt at the relationship is a good thing and does you some good, whether or not you can 'tell' in the med. (My IG assures me of this.)
In a realitymed, the point of those are not to deal with my relationship with some larger, life-size, soul-deep energy. At least, as I personally used them, maybe you could use them differently. Realitymeds, I came up with as a simple, fast, on the fly, geometry-based way to "deal with" energies of stuff that was happening literally at the moment or soon in my daily life. Whether someone else would pick up the check of what I was eating, whether the store I was driving to would have what I wanted or would let me get it and rush out really fast, whether the person whose office I was walking to would agree to let me take Friday off -- the med was designed to be simple, fast, and specific to a very limited single-event. One way or another, anything I meditated on could probably be phrased (if I bothered phrasing it) into a yes or no, succeed or fail, fixed or broken, fast or slow, kind of binary alternative.
So comparatively, archmeds are like working on something the size and depth of the universe. Realitymeds are like working on something the size of your lunchbox.
When an archmed is over you know only that you have improved your relationship with some conglomerate of energy and that, if it went well, you will see the reflection in your reality/circumstance 'pretty soon'. Ranging from 2 seconds to 2 weeks. But usually several days at the most, in my experience, and that is usually for things that affect a lot of other people. Like if I meditate on someone at work I have a horrible problem with, either they're going to vastly improve, or they're going to suddenly be non-interactive with me in some way (like their job changes or mine does so we aren't around the other), or one of us is going to be gone, and whatever happens will happen soon -- within a few days generally. If not by the next morning. Depending on how much meditating I do on the overall topic and how intense it is. (Meditating on several variants of the topic / problem / situations seems to help when I really, REALLY want something to change in a big way and fast.) Every time I do archmeds on a problem person, if they don't improve (my father did, radically, but I did a LOT of work on that), they just "fall out of my reality". That's the same for circumstance or anything else of course, but for some reason it always seems more notable when it's a person-energy rather than a situation-energy.
Realitymeds are different though. Because your application with these is so specific, when a realitymed is over you usually have a very good feel for whether or not what you did "worked." You basically are setting a pattern and you kind of give it a moment to feel if it's going to stay in your pattern or snap back to the old one or gradually start shifting back. If you can get it to really "take" your pattern (do the work leading up to that), then it's ok, it's set. You don't have to worry about it; your pattern is in place and that means the outer reality, not just the inner world.
You eventually learn to 'accept' that no matter what you see on the surface, you know the pattern that will manifest. Many times I changed things which seemingly had already happened. UPS on the phone tells me, no drivers in my city because of the semi-holiday. Meditate. Pattern clears. "Are you SURE?" I ask the guy, stalling for time to see effect. "Yeah, I -- oh wait, what is this? Hang on..." and what do you know, he was wrong. I want a dessert, the restaurant is out. Meditate. Wait a bit, then ask again, or ask someone different. "No I'm sorry, we're out" says the woman as a coworker walks past, stops and says, "We just got more, they're in the freezer." One way or another, if the pattern solidifies and holds, your reality-intent is going to manifest. Relax and look around for how it's going to happen.
As part of this work you need to "allow" reality to do what it must around that. What I mean is, reality is what it is. It is exactly as it is supposed to be. Everything about it is information, is telling you something. So when something that is kind of unpleasant or annoying happens, don't react with anger or refusal or grief about it, that just attaches you to it, it interjects you into the flow of it and you're in the way. Let reality's events "blow through you". Watch reality go by like it's a really interesting 3D TV show that you are using for a psychological case study. "Hmmn, I wonder what that means?" Don't attach to it.
When there is something that you want to be the case, then do a meditation on it, either archetype meds or reality meds. But aside from that direct, interactive working with the energies that comprise your reality, don't interfere with reality. The more you learn to "let it flow" without your interference, the more power you have to change it, oddly enough. There is probably some good reason for this but all I know is that is the way it works.
Imagine a sphere, or a planet. We'll call this "reality".
Imagine that on that sphere, there is an area you are looking at up close. It is the shape (for me) of a rectangle. Probably you can make it what you want.
Imagine that there are all these things sticking out of the rectangle. All the same shape. But they are 'connected' through the bottom of it to energy strings that go all the way to the very center of the sphere.
Each of the 'things' on top are of a nature, and laying about in some direction, that is based on what's up with the energy strings -- part of a 'column' of energy they are all held in -- below.
The shapes for me first looked like dominos. More rectangles, I guess. Some standing, some lying down this way or that way, all over the place. There were 'groups' of them laying this way, another laying that way, a tuft sticking straight up, and so on.
Then for awhile it looked kind of like a sea anemone. The dominoes had shifted to soft, rounded, short-tentacles, that were of course the 'surface tips' of those energy strings that went down to the center of the sphere. Then they just shifted to 'shapes' that can vary a little.
They stick up, they stick out, they are long enough to curve and 'lie down' in various directions, but short enough to also stick straight up, and to be perceivable as individual shapes. They are not any 'thing', they are just a 'shape' that has some degree of density, flexibility, etc.
Thinking of them as "the tips of the energy strings" works best for me, since the whole point is that what they look like, is based on the energy they are connected to below.
There are five steps to this process:
1. See what the pattern is now. You just hold in your mind the situation/event/etc. in question, and then "look at the pattern." Even if you can't see it clearly you should be able to feel/sense something. (Yes. You are 'imagining' it. Imagination is the tool that makes this work. Just don't *consciously create* it. It will create itself for you if you let it. You may have to 'go with it' tentatively the first few times until you have built the thought-form of this exercise well enough that it's a little clearer.)
2. Ask yourself what the pattern needs to be in order for your desired-outcome to be the case. It's likely to be different every time. You'll just have a feeling, like, that you need most things "lying down facing upper left" [10 on a clock] or something like that.
3. Compare the 'ideal you can feel' to the existing pattern you can see/sense. You will be able to tell how much needs changing. It might be mostly that way already and you're set. It might be partly that way and you need to work on it to be sure 'enough' of the pattern is going your way to take care of it. Or it might be almost entirely different, sticking up or leaning another direction, and it's going to take some real work.
4. Do the work to fix the energy (more on that shortly).
5. Evaluate the surface again. Feel the pattern. 'Set' it 'all the way through' from center of sphere out to the surface you're looking at. Let go of it and back up in perspective and "let it be." See what happens. If all is well and you did the work and there was nothing disallowing you (which you would probably feel), the pattern should be solid. Determined by the inside. Set in place. And you are fine. If the pattern feels like it is staying but is going to start gradually changing any minute and over time, it means you set it but you need more work if you want it to stay. If the pattern feels like it snaps back to how it was, and it just won't "stay" how you want it, then your outcome is not going to be what you intended.
When you are are practiced with this, if the energy underlying things is not too severely off the direction you want, you can do this in a matter of seconds.
So those shapes, each of those things is connected to a 'string' of energy that is actually part of a larger 'column' of energy that goes down from the rectangle to "the center of reality" which feels oddly like the center of a really, really, really big chakra. The 'history' of the energy at 'depth', between the surface and center of the sphere, are what determine the way the energy string is 'pulled' from underneath.
For example, if situation X were in place, somewhere down the energetic column there would be a slight shift in shape/direction/twist, and as a result, up at the surface, the single 'shape' connected dominantly with this energy-string would be lying sort of diagonally to the right. If you don't want it to the right, you gotta go find the first (core) place where it is 'affected' related to that, and fix it. You move 'up' the energy column (closer toward the surface where your field is) and find the 'next' place affected and fix that. By the time you reach the top, it should already be fully shifted to the direction you intend.
Sometimes there is only one place where it is affected, it's not that far down, it's easy. Sometimes there are many and they are really complex. I could theorize on why this is, but I don't really know why.
You do this just like you work with healing "via geometries" in energy work with people. When you get enough of your "field" on top comfortably lying in the direction you feel manifests your desired reality, then you're set.
So let us say I need my shapes to fall to the left and they are chaotic, with a few clumps that go to the right, some sticking up, etc. I can see that the energy that "feeds into the surface experience I call reality", is not supporting what I want. So this is what I do:
I "feel" my way down the string(s) of energy connected to that shape(s). It may be one 'clump' that I want to change the direction of. (I do it a clump/group at a time. I've always felt things were grouped like that in the pattern for some reason. So I worked on those together. I've seldom tried to just work on the whole pattern all at once. You probably can I suppose.)
I "look for the feel of the first/deepest/core event-effect on that energy-string" that is causing its current 'manifestation'. In other words, if a clump of shapes falls to the right, I look for the deepest affected-place that is the REASON they fall to the right. You only need to hold the intent. Imagination and the energy will work out the rest. It will show you only the places where the energy is affected on those strings in a way that is causing the pattern up top to fall to the right.
Go to the root. Look or feel the place where the energy is 'affected'. It might be tangled. Knotted. Broken. Stuck together. Cut apart. Or just a sort of wadded ball of energy (the most common frankly. It is not usually 'detailed' like the injury of an archetype -- usually it's just 'a clump of energy' on the string(s) that needs changing).
Make it right. Visualize cleaning it, releasing it, healing it, mending it, straightening it, smoothing it, hydrating it (!), whatever feels right and maybe more than one thing in combination. You want the strings to be 'smooth and unaffected' in that area.
In other words, you are not actually trying to impose your own 'affected' area on the energy to change it. That is not the answer. You are trying to "set free" the energy from "interference" factors. Then, the energy will be happy to go the way you intend because you intend it and it's part of you.
Move up through the energy column from wherever you started and fix anything you find along the way that is affecting this outcome. If you fix something but you feel like when you start to move on, it's not really staying fixed, then you are not done. Either you did not fix it entirely, or there is another energy-affected-area below that which you have missed.
Now, when I first did these, I did not go to the core. I grabbed the shapes on top and forced them into the pattern I wanted. Sometimes, that actually worked. Usually it 'sort of partially' worked. Often it didn't. Then I started going "a little bit under the surface" and cleaning up their energy there, when I could feel it wasn't sticking. That was a little better. But I finally understood it was just like working on a person. You don't work on the surface pattern. You find the root of something and start there, because whatever is deepest has the most power. Change it all the way through and you are set.
You can, sometimes, change things up higher and get a 'manifestation' that is like you want, even though there is some deep stuff that is "inclining" it toward the other direction. But that takes imposing your will on it hard, in order to try and force the top pattern to stay, and you have to 'hold' that--it takes energy--when you let go, it will change again, or some 'conflict' will show up. It's like trying to pull a weed. You really have to get the root of it or it's just going to come back to the surface.
When I get back to the top, having found/fixed any/all 'issues' underneath, I look at the pattern again. The pattern for the strings I was working on should be fine now. If there are more that need 'dealing with', I do. You normally need 'a clear majority' of the surface to be going 'the direction you want'. That's fine. You don't have to get every single bit of the top field going your way. If the majority of it is, that is what will manifest.
If for any reason the top won't "stick", it means there's energy-effects you have not dealt with underneath. Or sometimes there is just too much to deal with, without having hours. Or changing that event/outcome would have a ton of related changes that you aren't ready or willing for.
I find the closer I am to the manifestation point, the harder it is to change things, and the more major a thing in question, the harder it is to change things. Maybe that's just my belief systems though.
So, this is like mini-geometry-archmeds, geared to a single-reality-event/circumstance. It's possible that a real archmed would be tons more powerful and affective for getting whatever you want. But I started practicing this geometry thing regularly until I could do it whenever I felt like it. It is just as important to "let reality flow" as part of acquiring this ability, as mentioned, and I found that I didn't really feel the desire to 'change' things as often as I'd have suspected I might. But when I did, this was astonishingly effective.
I developed a couple of other meditations that are a little different. This one though, the realitymeds, did so well after awhile for me that I seriously started feeling my whole concept about reality shift. It started feeling like reality was a psychic videogame, and I knew the cheat codes.
Taking the time to write all this out has made me realize how much I miss energy work, and wonder why I don't do much meditating aside from archmeds anymore (and not enough of those). They were always so effective, why did I stop? I guess I quit paying attention. When I had a child it was like my whole focus changed. Now she is 12 and I feel like I am just slowly waking up from a distracted trance. Missing my sense-of-self. Thinking about stuff like this that I've hardly thought too much about in eons.
To wrap this up, the point is that reality meds, just like arch meds, are a direct application of "personalization". That is, the idea that if you want to interact with the energies of the universe that make up your perceived reality, you have to personalize them so you can have a relationship with them. Once you can interact with them, you're set, they are in your territory to access and change. As long as they seem apart from you, nebulous and generic and outside, you are trapped within them. Once you find them within you, individualized on command, you are master. Causing "change in accordance with your will" is just a matter of bothering to take the trouble. It's easy, it works, it's mindblowing on a larger scale, but it takes nothing more than getting off your butt and doing it.
When I started archetype meds, I gave myself a month of twice-daily attempts to see if it actually worked at all for me or just seemed like a waste of time. I was so skeptical at the time stuff was vague and distant for me and hard to separate from ordinary imagination. But in the end it took a lot less than the 60-lessons I set for myself before I could see that they actually worked. Before I 'merged' with an archetype after our work together and felt the rush. Before I watched reality change following my efforts. I made the commitment to take it seriously and do a morning and night archmed as 'practIce' and I had thought it was possible that after a month I'd figure well, I gave it an honest try, oh well. But long before that much effort had passed I could see that these were not just workable, but shockingly powerful.
As a last tidbit, a friend of mine found a discussion in a Seth book recently where he talks about going into your 'inner landscape' and working with what you find there... pretty much exactly archmeds, without the IG element. Archmeds go by many other names, 'active imagination' and 'conscious dreaming' and things like that. I have yet to find anybody who has done them seriously for awhile who does not respect their power to affect reality to the point of awe.
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I'm so glad to hear that other people sense abstract energy patterns when healing or meditating, too. Like you, I felt kind of freakish for not being able to say what caused the big spiky red thing in the left shoulder. It's a feeling of "that doesn't belong there so I'm going to remove it" as opposed to "this comes from a feeling of being ridiculed by your grandmother" or whatever.
(also the layers part - I often find recurring problems in lower layers).
I've never liked math but geometry was different. I enjoy that. You don't see 5.039 squared walking around town, but you do see circles and squares and whatnot. Maybe that's why it's easier for me to form relationships with geometric, though I've never tried it to the extent that you're talking about here. Am i right in thinking that you had a merging experience with a number once?
"So when I "looked/felt inside someone" looking for any "problem" that needed some work I could help with, I wasn't looking for personal information."
Note to self: try this when doing self-healing. Maybe I just need to not care about the cause and focus on removing crap. That's how I work with others. Why do I treat myself different? Getting caught up in my own personal drama?
The personalization idea makes a lot more sense to me now, thank you. I was missing this perspective and it was coloring my archetype meditations unpleasantly and ineffectively.
I've been experimenting with the reality meds. They make sense to me and are similar to the healing concepts I use, but it never occurred to me to adapt them this way for specific situations. So far, I have successfully used reality meds on my physical body, but haven't had luck with situations yet. In re-reading this, I see that I missed the part about working out the kinks at deeper layers. I'll try that next.
Thank you so much for writing this. Write more tutorials! Seeing it detailed like this helped me clarify my fuzzy attempts at similar things over the past few years. I can't begin to tell you how helpful this was. :)
Thanks for sharing your experiences and observations. I hope you don't mind that I quoted a small part of your posting and a link to your blog at http://kaosphere.blogspot.com/2008/09/as-above-so-below.html
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