Sunday, January 11, 2009

Knight of Wands, part 5 (3/4)

I did this a couple weeks ago and didn't blog it, so predictably I've forgotten most of it.

In the fourth Knight of Wands meditation I was given 4 archetypes to work with and this was on the third of them.

My impression was of an oversized and bulbuous skull, as if I were seeing a skeleton sort of, on a very large and bulky man. He had way too much bone everywhere, like 3x as much as a human is supposed to need. It took me several meditation attempts to connect properly with him and work with him. I ended up doing a lot of visualization, 'water/light/chemical of love' cleansing, and he was only somewhat affected. I had the sudden idea to do a 'sandstorm' which did well at wearing his external until a great deal of it was gone and he was a relatively normal looking person. But he still had more bone than is normal. Maybe that's a symbol in itself.

We merged but I didn't feel anything. We did work a lot. IG seemed to think it was fine, but I felt like some stronger sense 'ought' to come of it, which was frustrating. I hate that! I went back and did a little more with him but still nothing.

As he did not 'change all the way' to normal in some fashion I felt like maybe I wasn't succeeding, but he suggested, 'Maybe that is the way I choose to be.' I had a sense then that just because something is not ideal in my opinion doesn't mean it is bad. I had the sense that the heavy thick bone he had was like a result of my childhood somehow, and so you might say, it was a little heavier than it should be, but it was also stronger, more powerful, and maybe he chose to keep that power/strength rather than be what I call normal or better looking.

I had to think about that for awhile, that maybe it related to my weight -- since this archetype was assigned by IG after a meditation about my weight and pointedly to work through before I got to the next ones on that topic. Like maybe I should interpret it in that context.

As an aside, bone represents 'character' in Biogram. And some related things. It's "foundational".

Well, not real exciting but that's the way it was. Wish I'd blogged it when I should have. One more to go!

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