Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Lately all my dreams seem to have involved living on another planet, or in a couple cases, an orbiting moon. I'm trying to decide if this has some significance, or if that's just the cycle of "sitting in on other identities" that I'm in. It always seems to be some situation nearly out of control and dangerous and where I'm trying to escape from authority figures like soldiers or police.

Recently a friend told me of a 'dream teacher' he'd met. Someone who worked in a model best compared to Casteneda's "The Art of Dreaming." Aside from whatever else Carlos wrote, most of which I considered semi-fiction, that particular book truly described a ton of experiences I'd spent over a year having when I read it, so I really attributed something legit to the info in it.

The idea of someone who consciously can do this stuff was intriguing to me. As soon as I'm not semi-ill anymore (fighting off a cold) so my sleep is halfway normal, I'm going to see if I can go meet the teacher in a dream and get him to teach ME. (Do you suppose there is a dream version of paypal. Heh. If I can approach him in a dream, do you think he'd make me exempt from payment?)

My kid has accepted that dreaming is often "sitting in on" other lives, and now is as fluent at remembering and explaining dreams that amount to sci-fi as I am, which is kind of nice. I find it so fascinating to hear her experiences. I sometimes wonder if one reason the soul-that-is-her decided to be my child is because I'd understand something she needs to grow into freely without parental repression.

I've been working on tuning into IG more. The previous post where I talked about the water-air-dragon-thing is the last thing I did that qualifies as an archmed. Otherwise I've just been imagining 'centering, grounding' and tuning into him. At which point I usually pass out. Nothing like denial.

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