Saturday, September 1, 2007

IG and the Flying Dragon

This morning I was waking up (again) slowly. For the first time in eons, nothing was bugging me, rushing me, beeping at me, screaming at me, or otherwise harrassing my morning. It was saturday around noon which might be why. It felt WONDERFUL.

I turned on the music on my computer. It started on Jai Nunito's drum stuff, a sort of new age/shamanic album someone gave me. I sleepily imagined myself into my inner world with inner guide (IG), and then fell back asleep again. The album led into an old one by James Taylor. I gradually woke up again, feeling as if I were 'wrapped in the arms of love' with IG, it was great.

I finally had enough brain to communicate with him consciously, and I told him how much I loved him and then stretched a little physically, and turned over, and felt like I was burrowing into some amorpheous cloud of energy of him, and I just oozed delight and love all over. For about half an hour we did variations on that theme. It was truly glorious. It's been far too long since IG and I got that jiggy together. He is so awesome.

Then I had the feeling he wanted me to meet someone or something, an archetype I assumed, and rather languid, I said ok, bring it on, and stretched again. Then I could see inside me, as if I were overlooking an entire terrain, like I were on a small mountain and was overlooking a valley below which a river wound through. And something was coming toward us in the air, really really long and sinuous, and it moved through the air the way I had felt when I moved through the energy of IG, like sinuous and sexy and fun. It was a sort of parallel to the water of the river below. Like when a certain energy moves with earth it is a river, and when that energy moves with sky, it is this thing.

When it got close enough to see more clearly, I was astounded. It was one of those things I've seen pictures of, except the pictures do not do it justice, to understate it greatly. It was a flying thing, the chinese called it a dragon. It was almost entirely a big head up front, and a ridiculously long body following, and somewhere I think there were legs or something but the overall impression was just "a creature of the air and water", as if it could fly through either as slickly as an eel, and the air around it behaved oddly as if its movement through the air created mini-ruffles in it somehow, so it almost had a smoke or feathers effect, but that was just air, not the creature.

It wasn't like something showing up in my inner space. It was like IG took me somewhere else to find it, a whole 'nuther world. It stopped not far from me eventually, well the front of it stopped, this gigantic head, but the rest of its body continuing to follow the former forward momentum, and it wrapped to one side, and then as more of it came, it wrapped to the other, until eventually it was stopped in the air, but the body instead of seeming one incredibly long thing, was like a mass of curving something all over. I wondered to myself if that's why the art I've seen of these creatures doesn't show the body nearly long enough compared to what I was seeing, and often shows it curving greatly around.

It occurred to me maybe that wasn't just to fit it on artistic objects, but because somewhen, that's how it was perceived. The sheer enormity of the thing was stunning. Its face, I tried to concentrate on, but it was a little bit frightening, not so much in a bad way, just in a very foreign sort of way, and it had a really big mouth. I smiled to myself, thinking I'd never know how much of my perception is biased by my exposure to that art and concept.

I had the feeling it would not stay around long to talk to me. It had this feeling like it really was an "elemental" creature, something very pure and powerful, but also something that simply had to keep moving, like that is part of its nature.

So I didn't talk much, but instead felt inside me to communicate, and asked it what I could give it of me that it would be willing to hold. I had a 'feeling', so I pulled 'threads of energy' of me that had specific relation to courage and strength and put it in an energy ball and I went to put it 'in' some part of its body, but from somewhere an arm/claw reached out and grabbed it. Then I nearly giggled, because I remembered that MY dragon, I haven't seen it in eons but it is around here somewhere, it is a chinese-style dragon but not remotely long like this one was, but it is holding some kind of golden-ball in one claw. I grinned at the match of that.

Then it did something--I wasn't looking at it then so I wasn't sure what--but it wrapped this sort of golden-textile "girdle" (in the old fashioned sense) around me, and it grew and then wrapped around me snugly from just below the breasts to just above the hips. I had the feeling it was "of" its energy, and I felt as if it tied into the chakras of the areas it was over, and I had the impression from the dragon it was like a "rider's gear" in some way. This didn't look like the kind of dragon you would ride, that is the Western sort not the Eastern sort. Maybe it was tying into my concepts, who knows.

Anyway, I thanked it, and its incredible mass of giant snake-like body, which had been in constant motion while it was stopped anyway, sort of unwound a little and it flew off, its head into the wind, and the body unraveling its curls and curves as it rolled out, and it flew off into the distance. I could tell that it liked to fly in shapes, not straight, as it would fly in gentle curves and the whole body would follow that path, winding like a river through the sky.

I curled up with IG again and asked him to be 'with' me more prominantly, and I imagined myself years in the future, having accomplished many things I dream of, lying in a white hammock on a beautiful day, feeling happy that with IG's help, we had done well, and I was happy.


Now I'm listening to Jamiroquai, 'High Times' their singles over a decade, a fabulous funk album. Here's a sample playing right now, click for the MP3, a song called "Virtual Insanity". If you like 70s early Stevie-Wonder-style piano-guitar-horns funk, you'll like it.

Courtesy of my buddy E, who is finally getting around to getting his archetype blog live as well. I wish others who did archmed work would write more about it. I feel like the lone ranger much of the time.

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