Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Talking-To

The other day I got a lecture. Literally it was like some part of my mind--which I now kind of recognize as having its own identity as a guide--just totally went off on me. Not in an angry or mean or bad way, just in a brutally honest, no-nonsense, not-putting-up-with-this-anymore kind of way.

I don't know who it was (and I asked and there was utter silence, which nearly made me crack up, since it was hard to imagine anybody being willing to buy the wrath for it after). Basically the lecture amounted to this:

Grow up! Take responsibility. Quit acting like a drama-queen about the guides. You need to meet them and you don't need to know the detail of why right now. Let it be enough that those you know and trust are telling you so. Accept your role and make the time and responsibility to address this part of yourself. It is not cute or interesting that you react with fear and avoidance, it is just immature. You're better than that, so start acting like it. Make an effort and step up to yourself!

Ouch! Geez. Not subtle or indirect, at least.

Later, I had the feeling it was my mate (3rd of the 4), not a guide.

That was a couple days ago. I think I had enough 'realization' earlier today that I'm on the right track. I'll be doing some more meditations shortly here.


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