In psychology official, abreaction is "the release of emotional tension achieved through recalling a repressed traumatic experience." Its definition indirectly or directly implies that this recall is via 'words, behavior, or imagination'. Nowhere does it suggest that "spontaneous muscle spasms" qualify for the term, though I suppose they do. For whatever reason, the MDs and PhDs that ran one of the places where I studied hypnosis used that term for that effect.
Abreactions were not uncommon, in fact they were pretty much the norm. Where, how often, how extreme, etc. they might be depended not just on the person but on the subject matter, and I assumed, the degree of belief system issues they were having with absorbing suggestions directly. If one line of suggestion was meeting regular abreactions, the result wasn't likely to be good; best to take a different tact.
At one point, I started studying people around me whom I was not hypnotizing, and came to the interesting conclusion that perhaps many people abreact quite a lot in fact. But it's such a small thing, few of us even notice it. We haven't been trained to do so, to pay attention to that kind of thing, to have any idea it might mean something. So in a way, our body is constantly talking to us, we just don't hear it.
Of course, muscle spasms do also happen for musculature reasons that are not necessarily related to any deep psychological meaning. Sometimes a muscle is just a muscle, you might say.
Just to be clear, I am NOT talking about major, charley-horse type spasms. Those issues can be caused by low magnesium/potassium/calcium. This is something I know too much about, as every time you shift suddenly to low-carb eating, you drop all the artificial 'bloating' your body holds in order to process carbs. The sudden drop in water/glycol bloat washes out a lot of those minerals temporarily and if you are not supplementing with them, 'charley horse' spasms in legs/feet for a short time are not uncommon. That is not the kind of muscle spasm I am talking about.
The kind I'm talking about range from barely perceptible even when you're looking for them, to a major "jerk" of the whole body. They range from a 'twitch' you don't notice to such a wild spasm that you forget literally everything in your head at that moment.
In archetype meditations I have often run into abreactions. The most difficult meditations I've ever done have always been accompanied by plenty of abreactions -- often instantly when a certain idea, image or concept comes up. Here's a few quotes from old blog posts here to give some real examples of how this comes about. I admit I don't usually make a note of it except in the more extreme cases, but it's not an uncommon thing in more minor degree.
Adjustment, Take IIMost interesting to me, as it is not the only time this has happened to me -- is this one:
The moment I arrived and took IG's hands--already my mind trying to escape--and begged her to help hold my attention there, I began abreacting. Muscle spasms went crazy. [...] Every few seconds I would abreact somewhere. It is very obvious I have a severe problem with this archetype but I can't really figure out why. [...] My mind wandered. I held my mind fiercely and my body spasmed so intensely I forgot who the hell I was for a moment. But I began again. And again. And again. And...
A Heavy Issue, Take I
I looked over at the playing cards moving around in the air beside us. I tried to 'see' one clearly. I had a flash of something..
Me: Wands.
My right leg spasmed violently.
I closed my eyes and waited, like in RV, for the next data point.
Me: Red. Feet? Seems like feet or print of feet, but also red.
Both of my legs spasmed more violently.
Me: Horse? I think.
My entire body spasmed wildly.
Me: For godssakes! And won't THAT meditation be fun I bet...
A Heavy Issue, Take I
I thought that sudden memory was IG giving me an answer. So I said, "OK, I want to meditate on "my problem with extra bodyfat" now."
I sneezed violently.
I said dryly to IG, "Well that's gonna be quite the meditation I bet." IG seemed amused, in a good way, the first time I've got that sense from her.
Knock Knock, Neo
I'm having a lot of abreactions still. And I'm starting to forget stuff almost immediately after doing it, which makes blogging it even more important I guess. I must be working on stuff heavier duty than I realize. [...] I said to him, "I'm having constant abreactions but only in my right leg. The calf, the knee and thigh. None anywhere else. Why is it that I am reacting here to you?" And the arch said, "Why don't you do a meditation on the archetype of your right leg." I was dumbfounded. I never thought of meditating on a body part. And yet if our body is manifest energy, and a core part of us, and our memory and so on is throughout our body, then surely every part of the body is a primal part of us. Surely every part of our body has a great deal of symbolic and literal meaning.
Arch-Dreams and ChaosSo I re-read that last clip above not long ago and I thought, Hey wait a minute. That's a big neon sign, isn't it?! This is exactly what I should be meditating on -- ask IG for "whatever that is". If it is so severe that it knocks you unconscious when you're meditating yet wide awake, that it later gives you such severe abreaction you forget everything in your head related to it instantly, then this is definitely something that needs attention.
I started abreacting. I would have a thought or start an arch-dream and my body would jerk violently in one place or another, mostly lower body. I could literally feel it this time, as if energy-which-is-also-information were trying to run through my nervous system, but blocks were "shunting it off" with muscle spams. It got more severe. At one point, I found myself in this arch-dream and I went, "Hey! Hey, I remember this now! This is where I was last night! This--" and an abreaction so severe that my entire body spasmed wildly hit me. I forgot everything except that last thought. But at least it made me realize that I didn't just pass out in the middle of a thought last night; I was doing "something", I just don't remember what.
But I felt fear the moment that concept hit me. I could feel it in my torso, from my solar plexus down to my groin, like a meta-physical "ghost-feeling" energy of sorts. Which tells me that yes -- definitely I need to meditate on this. But more importantly it also tells me that this -- this fear, this passing out -- I see it as a symptom 'related to' the severe bodily-abreaction. Which sort of corresponds with what I have "intuitively felt" when having abreactions before, many times in fact -- that it is a "shunting off", from the nervous system I believe, of the 'energy', basically "not allowing" it to be processed through the body -- and, I have a couple of times 'sensed', that it is literally traveling through the body and up to (or returning to) the 'brain' area but it's never making it that far; the body is kicking it off the path before it can get there. So the mind cannot 'think' about it because 'the thought never reaches you' you might say. You could call it denial but this is happening at a body/subconscious level before that energy/info ever has the chance to even make it into your processing mind.
To a vastly lesser degree -- but still worth noting -- I sometimes abreact in Remote Viewing sessions as well. I seem to do it more when dehydrated. I seem to do a lot more when there is a great deal of trauma in the target, in fact, if I'm doing a target and abreacting all over the place I know it's going to be a 'mass trauma' target (eg a photo of the immediate aftermath of -- while still pulling survivors and bloody victims out of rubble -- some massive disaster, e.g. a major earthquake). When people are dead already, or when it's just something explosive, or when it's long after or before the disaster or not with a focus on humans, I don't get it so much. But when there is a mass number of humans in great drama/trauma/death all at once in a target, I am likely to either bluescreen the entire negative or have a terrible problem with abreactions (and getting data at all, as a result, since my body is throwing most of it off the line!) during session.
I know this is boring (my readers are already snoring) but I think this is important.
It's important to RV because if abreacting does indicate a rejection of energy/information, it would matter to figure out how to work on that after or during the experience, to try and clear that out.
It's important to meditation because if we learn to notice such things about our bodies, we learn more about ourselves. This ties into a recent thing too. Not long ago I blogged:
Body TalkIt isn't just abreactions. It's any 'body response'. It's like we are meditating and we want to talk with our subconscious, and our body IS our subconscious in manifest form, and every time it says something to us we go, "Shut up. I'm ignoring you because I'm meditating to talk to my subconscious." Sheesh!
...during the meditation I had a sudden 'twinge' in my left foot. Of course when you meditate you get all kinds of distracting body sensations, little pains, etc. But because I was at that moment pouring energy into an archetype (to no particular effect), without thinking much about it, I shifted and for a few moments, was pouring the same kind of energy-intent into my foot where it had the painful little twinge. And I got a *major* rush, body-wide. I was astonished. It made me realize that when we are meditating on something, body stuff isn't just a 'distraction' -- it's energy acting-out, it's communication or at least warning sparks -- and THAT is exactly where to focus. I mean, that's what pain is about: saying, "pay attention to me!" And all this time I've been taking this no-mind meditation approach toward it -- rather than the active-meditation format I actually use -- I'd been working to ignore that kind of thing. Once I realized that my body could talk to me and that energy with my body was as much a part of the meditation as the other things, that seemed to come and go for awhile, as if my body was as delighted as I was that I had learned a few simple words of its language.
I guess it just seems to me that paying more attention to things like abreactions and sudden pains etc., may be a great deal more important than I have previously considered. Maybe when I get a serious abreaction I should actually meditate ON the abreaction.
Previously when talking with IG about remote viewing and inaccurate data, she suggested that I work directly with the problem data (after feedback) to clear/straighten out that energy in myself. We shared a kind of visualization of these vertically suspended 'strings of energy' that had bends, stiffness, knots, frays, etc. (this representing, literally or figuratively, energy-issues with certain data) and basically rejuvenating all those strings so they would be clean, supple, strong strings of light. And then that this could be done pretty quickly, en-masse, and I imagined them all together in a group over a star-trek style transporter pad, and the energy just going through them at the quantum level and reorganizing them cleanly according to their true pattern and getting rid of interference etc. I've wondered if one could do this before feedback or even before the session--if we can psychically know the target, why could we not know what data points we're going to have issues with?--and if that might help as a process ritual to 'clear out' energetic problems ahead of time.
Well along the same lines, maybe I should be doing that kind of "reality med" -- what I call very brief shape-visualization-based meditations -- on every serious abreaction, pain, itch, etc. that I might get during meditation or remote viewing.
If nothing else I am going to make a point to pay a lot more attention to this now, and to 'allow' my body to use this as a kind of communication. Maybe 'itch on my left foot' is like a task number, a 'directive' to pay attention to that energy (whatever it might be) at least for a moment. Maybe abreactions are just a big arrow to what we resist, refuse, etc. and great strides could be made by specifically meditating on the parts of our body that abreact, hurt, etc.