Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inner Turbulence

Every morning and every night I have tried to meditate. I hadn't actually gotten to doing so, though, since Sunday morning, and it was Tuesday night. Sleep is the easiest form of denial. Staying up too late so that's inevitable... sigh.

I made it to IG this morning despite several valiant inner attempts at distraction. I discovered a few daydreams that I felt emotionally impelled to go explore right now instead of meditating, but I recognize that by now, and refused. I wandered several times even once I made it to IG, but brought myself back.

A yogi I read once said that if most people in the West had bodies as uncoordinated as their minds, they'd be lucky to make it across the street alive. That's me.

So I grounded myself and really focused and really forced myself to be "here now with" IG and felt my whole emotional-body react. It was obvious to me, from the feeling, that I was specifically avoiding, afraid of, refusing, resisting, my Guides. By which I mean Taan, Nero and Bolehren. I had some substantial energy issues unresolved related to them that had combined to a blocky, spiky, dark unwillingness.

I had noticed earlier, without giving it more thought, that I had such an issue with the guides-thing that I pointedly told IG, "No more guides. I only want archetypes." Even though intellectually, I know The Four introduced me to the Consortium eons ago and I am supposed to be 'becoming aware' of all of them. And yet what, two years later, I've only just met 2 out of 3 (and there's like 12-16 or something) and I can barely stand even that. And IG basically forced the last two on me; I certainly didn't go looking for them in the Tower, with the Four, where I would have expected them to be. I feel like she 'snuck them in' under my radar to some degree. And while I trust her and trust that it's right and the guides themselves seem cool, still, inside my whole body, I just feel a sort of ... "upset" about the whole thing.

I can't get my head around why my insides react like this. My head thinks the idea of guides is kind of groovy. Ooh, aaah, cosmic, dude. If nothing else, it's a useful mental construct, even if it's only me talking to myself with a new name. What's the big deal? Why should it matter? Why is talking to an archetype or IG any different than talking to a guide? Why is 'awareness' of guides I already have so threatening?

Is it awareness of part of myself I normally avoid? Is it like psi, where the sudden expansion of awareness in scope leaves the ego trying to protect such a large territory-of-self that arrogance and paranoia result from its strain? (That's my theory on it anyway.) My mind does not have any "logical" reason for why my body and emotions react as they do to any exposure to my guides. Despite that I have a crush on Nero--feeling shy yet wanting to impress him every time I focus on him--despite that I really WANT to expand my awareness... I feel how I feel.

A long time ago, I used to pray fiercely for evolution. "I want to EVOLVE!" I would say with great powerful longing. (Best done with frankincense and myrrh, a fat purple candle sitting on your sailboard in the dark, inside your RV van conversion while the two kittens watch with wide eyes, perched on your guitar case, and Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison look on from their giant tie-die cloth posters.) Later, I felt I did 'evolve', radically, waaaaay too quickly, and I realized, as I said in Bewilderness, that I understood now why evolution was normally slower, and I didn't want to grow that fast ever again.

I wondered if I should have asked for something other than 'to evolve'. Maybe I would have got nothing but sweet happy stuff if I'd asked right. Maybe getting entities and aliens and occult and egyptian and celtic and modern symbols all in a bizarre collage was a side effect of my database query with a wildcard symbol. That will teach me to use boolean logic! Later I thought it reminded me of that great line from comedian Lily Tomlin, who said: I used to say, when I was a child, that someday, I'd grow up to BE somebody! -- I realize, I should have been more specific.

The turbulence this morning was so obvious I immediately said, "Just give it to me as an archetype while I can still focus!" and I whirled around to deal with it as fast as I could, worried that with that degree of "inner jumbling upset" something would distract me.

The archetype looked like a very large fat insect with about a bazillion tiny little claw-things. I felt nauseated and disgusted. I called for Sun, Jupiter, and IG said, "and Venus" and added her, and I called for the Angelics, and they all willingly part-merged with me while I did a "monsoon-rain of love" upon it and us. It took a bit but finally it seemed to be smaller with less disgusting overlay.

Then we did a 'bright sun of love' as intense light against it, which (this is common for this kind of symbol) 'dried-out' the insect-like shell and made it fragile and prone to cracking. Then I brought in the 'severe winds of love' (why not?) and pressed against it from all directions until its shell cracked and it went flying off all over the place. I imagined that all those pieces got put in the waste disposal systems of my body and went back to it.

There were now three pieces, of three sizes. They were black and soft but firm, like large elongated eggs. Which felt kind of gross in a way, but much better than the initial arch had. I imagined sending "pure love energy" at their centers, and I asked the Angelics to help me do it right and trusted they would, as they were touching my back again, and I just kept pouring it into the three pieces until I could feel the smallest one starting to reach maximum absorption.

I kept pouring, and suddenly it hit some max-point and the whole outside sort of bloomed from the inside into a colored (pink or purple) fuzzy surface. That was novel. I looked at it for a moment, wondering what on earth it was supposed to be. I had the feeling that it was ok now--this was the final/good state of it. I wondered if that smaller colored piece was supposed to represent Bolehren, the smaller female of the guides.

I worked on the other two pieces. The slightly smaller one eventually did the same thing, except the texture and color were different; soft texture, but darker color, but I couldn't make out exactly what. It reminded me of remote viewing where often I sense something but it's fuzzy so I get the concept but not the detail. Then we worked on the last one, and finally when it inverted/bloomed/whatever, its texture was really long, like thick bear-fur or something. I wondered if this represented Nero.

I was still in a hurry--worried I'd space out in some fashion--so I grabbed something from inside me I can't even remember and put it into the middle of each of the three, and some part of them appeared in me, and I pulled them into me in a merge. The feeling was extremely mild. I'd hoped for better. But I did feel that the most severe part of my resistance has been dealt with and I won't have such an evasion of meditating 'lest I have to deal with my guides' anymore.

I had to work then so that was that.

My boyfriend and I were talking about how if you meditated even once a day you could still do 350+ per year, and as you can often do more than one at a time... well gee, if you spent a year making an effort for these, you could really work through a lot of stuff. We had been talking about how we wanted to do major body parts and systems, astronomy, tarot, every issue in our life, and how long that made the list, but if one really does this work consistently, you can get through quite a lot.

I don't know why I feel like, if I knew WHY I had such turbulence about my guides, that somehow I might feel better about it. Like at least it would make sense to my left brain. But I have the clear feeling inside that if I asked them, I would 'resist' their answer so much I couldn't perceive it.

If they are partially merged with me, does it mean I am afraid of myself? That reminds me of a quote from Bewilderness, when I really was. Wow, 13 years ago, and it still applies today as it did then, I guess.

I don't mind being an archeologist on myself. I just want to know how to classify what I find. Is it a treasure or a virus? What will make me grow? What are the consequences or potential end results of the different ways of growing? [...] I simply can't be the first person to wonder this. I should learn astrology so I can blame being such a pinhead on it.

Bewilderness, chapter 13


Mindstorm1 said...

As i am getting used to your writing i find it more and more compelling . You seem so truthfull but at the same time so hard on yourself . It seems that you are advanced in what you do and i could only imagine the life of wonder that you take in your stride . But why be so scared of fear . Fear is a mirror that we hold to ourselves so we can grow and overcome . I myself embrace my fears (Maybe That's Where I Go Wrong) . Fear keeps me grounded , keeps me alive , makes me pro-active and stops me being lazy . I am learning alot from your posts and enjoying it . I have seen you mention RV (IS THAT REMOTE VIEWING?.) . I would love to learn more of your experiences with that , if you are willing to share . Thanks .

PJ said...

Hi there. Well, I was a pretty left-brain, medical-model skeptic, really into hypnosis for years at one time. To condense a whole lot, my reality 'cracked' and I was forced--by sheer personal experience--to open my mind to a whole lot of stuff. It's taken me through a lot of avenues I would never have gone otherwise, for sure. I have a case study ( about a couple years of life, from not too long after I finally opened up, that were pretty bizarre, and much of that experience has affected how I perceive things today. Somehow I am still very logical, even skeptical--except about the things I have personal experience with, in which case I'm on the far edge of "allowing" so to speak. It confuses people sometimes. They see me post in one area and they accuse me of being a scoffer skeptic LOL, then they see me post in some other area and think wow, she's far out! Then they realize it's the same person and it crunches their brain. Like most people I just have some areas where experience has radically opened my mind, I guess, but that doesn't change my core personality.

I've been deeply involved with remote viewing for 13 years, though my actual viewing comes in cycles. I'm a single mom, FT+ job, do a lot of online work (programming) to support RV (the dojo psi), and there's only so much time in a day, so my own viewing tends to take the last seat. You can find some of my 'esoteric' stuff on my other blog which also has the archives of a brief former RV-related blog associated with the now-archived website. (Best thing there is FAQ and the McMoneagle Interviews.)

If you want to learn something about RV, visit TKR's forum at and talk to folks there, as it's many people with a wide variety of perspectives on it, or you can play with the hands-on RV stuff at the dojo , just an idea.


Mindstorm1 said...

Your a paradox ! . I like that . I knew i made the right choice in putting you in my blog viewer , i think i will learn alot from your writing ! . Thanks for the info on Remote Viewing as it's something i have always wanted to try , but just never got round to it . Thanks . MINDSTORM .

KMG said...

Is it awareness of part of myself I normally avoid? Is it like psi, where the sudden expansion of awareness in scope leaves the ego trying to protect such a large territory-of-self that arrogance and paranoia result from its strain?

I've been pondering this, too. I had another of the "someone yells about how wrong I am for some stupid thing" dreams that always seem to surface when I make big changes. I wonder if your guide-resistance is your ego's recognition of the changes they will bring. I mean, you've really taken this to the next level, haven't you? You're serious about meditations and it's hard work and harder realizations. Maybe there's a part of you that's like, "Waaah, no way! It's easier the old way!"

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