Friday, September 12, 2008

Not Quite the Golden Horse

A quote from this blog on Sep 4 (meditation was the 3rd evening):

I want to have stuff that works. If it's not willing to work, I want it to move out of my life and be replaced by something that does. But wait, wait! I hate the timing issues on this stuff. Move in something that does work at the SAME time or very immediately after if that's going to happen!

At that time, my car had a problem with the heat/AC. The heating fan wasn't turning on like it should. I wanted to get it fixed but didn't have the money. Hoped I could spare it from my paycheck in a week (that's today).

Several days ago I got notice that the changed fiscal year of my company meant we were going to get our bonuses on the 12th. Yay! Mine was more than I had expected. Not that I don't have 10x the "needs" of it, of course!

A few days ago my car ran out of water. Shortly after, it ran out of water and the temp light came on. I had already arranged to get the heater fan worked on today. This morning trying to get it there, the temp light came on again.

The head gasket is blown. It's a side-mounted aluminum engine (cad 1988, my parents gave it to me 4 years ago when Jiffy Lube killed my truck). The mechanic said, "You can't replace 'em in these, I've tried, they don't even stay, it's a waste. It ain't even worth the money to fix it. I recommend you get rid of it and work out something else."

So it took... 9 days, before my car "MOVED OUT OF MY LIFE" -- literally on THE VERY DAY when I got a larger block of money than I've had in a couple years.

I grant... I have other things I want to spend it on! But the point is... well... usually archmed results happen in about a week -- this is a bit late for a specific meditation, but then I haven't been really hard core altered state for them either. I don't know what I'm going to do about a vehicle. I feel like if I buy something within 2-3K I'm just going to have to spend that much more replacing the transmission and engine--people who are poor, who have the kind of cars I can afford, don't give away cars until they're ready to die, I know that. I'm trying to get the phone# of a guy named Dan who is a master mechanic around here, has a day job, but thought I'd see if I could offer to pay him cash under the table to work on my truck, a flex schedule, and rebuild that engine (to me, the truck is worth saving, the car isn't).

And for the weekend I've rented (thanks to my bonus check!) the only full-size car (not a truck because The Mother Of All Storms is hitting tomorrow night and I don't want to be driving a truck on the highway in high wind and rain!) in my small town, and it's a beautiful dark red Chevy Magnum -- very nice, I totally love it.

It is not exactly the golden talking horse of my meditation. And I can't afford it for more than 4 days (barely at that). But it's awesome to have for a little while! And it looks like my car is a paperweight, so... that's one energy down!


Mindstorm1 said...
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Mindstorm1 said...

Sorry about the above post . I have had that problem with meditation (wishing) or creative thinking nearly all my life . I have had to be very , very specific . Still at times it goes awry as the subconscious is a hard child to tame . The refferance to The Golden Talking Horse you made 'MONTAUK' or another meaning entirely ? .

PJ said...

I think I read the first 'Montauk' book back in...1995. I seem to recall there were more but I haven't read them. The gold talking horse I referred to was a symbol in the meditation I blogged about in 'cars and computers' a week ago.

I actually feel that I got just what I asked for: that the energy would either resolve and work well and if it couldn't/wouldn't for some reason, that it would move out of my life entirely, which seems to be what happened!

Mindstorm1 said...

Interesting about the Montauk book you read as it did contain a Golden Horse . I have read the entire series . I will read that blog post you mentioned . I appologise after re-reading this post i feel you are correct and that you did get exactly what you asked for. MINDSTORM .

KMG said...

Whoa! If that isn't a testimonial to the power of the meditations, nothing is. If you can manage that, I bet you can manage to permanently bring in the kind of vehicle you want.

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