Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Body Meds: Liver

Apparently this is what happens if you just ignore archetype meditations altogether for awhile. The mountain comes to Mohammed.


I was relaxed but not at all asleep when Tek showed up. Tek is a 'body-archetype' I guess. Times when I drop into this "white lab area" to work on stuff related to my body, he's the technician. But it's usually a matter of me going there and there he is. Never have I seen him anywhere else -- let alone in my awareness when I am not meditating at all. But there he was.

And suddenly we were together somewhere 'else'. In the 'else'-place, there was what I thought was a big wall, but then realized it was a big object of some kind, I was just seeing a part of it. The wall was lightly covered in places, and super densely in others especially nearer the top, with these darkest-brown "nodules". They felt like spherical barnacles.

I had the feeling that whatever they had begun as, attached in a tiny piece but added to it and grown, it had been "alive". Not alive like a full life form, but like... like molecules and cells felt a bit more alive than they normally do to me, and they were as much alive as anything else at that level.

He pointed and I followed his focus. A wave of nausea passed through me, which is pretty common for body-cleaning areas he focuses me on. I could tell that the surface of this wall/object was normally firm but soft/flexible. But where the nodule/barnacle/sphere-things were present, it seemed to be firmer (most of it), and where they were denser especially around the top, it got stiffer until in the areas where they were super dense, the entire area just seemed really thick, rock-hard and encrusted.

That didn't seem like a good thing at all.

Tek handed me some kind of tool. It looked like a kitchen implement but nothing I've seen before. It was silver and was a group of strong straight wire-like things with blunt ends, bundled together at one side with a handle, with the middle one sticking out more than the others. I had the feeling I was supposed to do something with this, like use it on the nodules. Maybe to pry them off, I thought, though it wasn't clear how that shape would apply to such a thing.

"I'm falling asleep," I observed, in some apology to him because that meant my awareness would be checking out any time now. He just stepped back as if to leave, and then said as he vanished, as if oh-by-the-way: "That's your liver."

I was so interested in that I knew, blessedly, I would remember it. Then I fell asleep.

I forgot about all this until this evening. I was sitting in the rocking chair holding my cat Lina, relaxing while my rotisserie cooked a few chicken breasts. I couldn't think of anything I felt less like doing than concentrating on disgusting things in my head, at that moment, but I didn't have any good excuse for NOT doing the med as I sat there doing nothing else of value.

So I dropped back into the 'place' I'd been with Tek. Called The Angelics, the 'archetypes' of Angels, who showed up and both placed one hand on a shoulder blade behind me. They don't give energy but they 'share guidance' is the best way to put it.

I called Inner Guide (IG) and asked for whatever archs she thought needed, and I brought in Sun (and held him tight for awhile) and Responsibility as my standards. She brought in Venus and Mars, although I was baffled at what they would have to do with this kind of thing.

I didn't know where to begin though, and finally had the presence of mind to ask IG for whatever archetype could best help me work through this meditation. Then I wondered why I never thought to ask for that kind of archetype before. Too obvious, maybe? It was an ordinary guy who I was super comfortable with.


He thought maybe I should start in what seemed like a corner sorta. It wasn't, it was just the positioning of the object (which was about 3x as big as me in that perspective), but it was at the very top, the hardest area, that made sense. I took the tool, turned it this way and that and said, "This is just not really made for this." I imagined a short sword, then worried about hurting the organ itself, so I changed the blade to something like my very thick, tough silicone spatula that I use for everything in the kitchen -- as a turner, a scraper, a stirrer, sometimes even a knife for soft things.

I started trying to slide the blade under the heavy crusted nodules but they seemed literally attached. I mean like some part of them... bit into or attached to actual cells of the organ. Like how barnacles I think can slightly soften the rock or something (I could be wrong about that). He said, "No reason not to try the standard archetype process." So I imagined the water of love and chemical of love and special-barnacle-peeling-gel-of-love hahaha. Then I had the idea for lightning and I psych'd myself up for it, and then imaged a flood of lightning flashing through me and specifically electrifying all this junk and 'separating' it in a flash from the organ.

Then I went with the short-soft-sword all around the organ. I pried off all this stuff, and it wasn't that hard to pry it off as I thought it would be. Just a lot of it was all. I got the entire object done except one small spot on the other side that had some kind of problem and I had to say I'd come back to it; it felt like in that area, there was actually an erosion, an eating-away-spot gouging out a small area.

I had intentionally imagined a 'catching' area for all the massive crap I was hacking off. Looking down, it was like one of those rooms full of balls that kids jump in, except everything was in varying shades of brown and yucky. Tek suddenly showed up at my right.

"That's what the tool is for," he said, motioning to all the stuff. "You need to break it up into tiny pieces. We don't want to release this like it is into the body."

So I went through first and 'stabbed' all of the nodules so everything was broken up into chunks. Then I went through, imagining it moving impossibly fast, and broke everything up like a whisk of sorts, until everything was a fine-granuled particle. Then I visualized dumping it all into a big sealing trashcan that would take it straight to 'waste disposal'.


I almost forgot, then I went back to the spot that had some kind of problem. Up close, it looked like something had been 'eating away' at this tiny spot. I finally, with the arch's guidance, decided to disassemble the cells all around and inside that area, a bit like cutting out the rotting flesh in a way but gentler, and got that made inert and broken up and in the waste. Then I poured energy into the 'healing' of that area from inside and out. In the end it was still vulnerable and I imagined some kind of good-cells that would cover it like a bandaid patch while it totally healed and got its natural shape back again.


Tek said that went just fine and he has more I could do if I were willing. I said ok then. Sure why not. I'm really working on supplements and reading on biology and more lately, so it's sensible I'd be tuning into body-stuff.


1 comment:

KMG said...

"I started trying to slide the blade under the heavy crusted nodules but they seemed literally attached. I mean like some part of them... bit into or attached to actual cells of the organ. Like how barnacles I think can slightly soften the rock or something (I could be wrong about that).

I know what you're talking about here. I have encountered this strong visual/sensation that yanking particular nasty things out of the body will damage the cells because it's grown into them. I use a dissolving-heat visualization. Interesting idea with the lightening!

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