Monday, November 23, 2009

A Tek Med, Balancing Energy

Today's morning communion with the consortium members went fine. The last one 'through' the four had more 'rushing' body-feelings. None as powerful as the first time but still nice.

I let Tek lead a meditation. Usually I descend into a white room and he gives me a 'thing' holographically to 'clean or heal'. Once he had me hose down the room. Sometimes it's a different Tek like the one that has the 'control room' where a given idea or belief is 'plugged in'. Today was rather different though.

First I felt I was in a large irregularly shaped room. I was near the right side wall but it was higher and oddly shaped on the ceiling at the far left side with a sense of high wooden beams. These rooms have always been white and small before so that was a bit different.

Briefly, he put some kind of 'suit' on me that 'allowed me to fly/better'. That seemed like a concept. I tried it out, flying. I could flap wings in the suit, and glide, and then just fly where I wanted, so I realized it was more magical flying than winged flying, and then realized that this was a concept he was providing me, that we were going to do something that would free me in some way.

Just then I felt this deep ache in my left upper outer arm. Two things struck me about the ache. The first was that it was so significant and sudden and I felt my reaction to the 'freeing' he was planning had 'resistance' from this.

The second was that I felt it was... displaced. This is exactly the feeling I have often had in my RIGHT arm/shoulder in exactly the same spot. I believe there is a significant energy block there is why. I didn't know why but I felt that it was somehow in the left on purpose, I mean that it would normally be on the right but Tek was literally transferring the pain perception via some shift in my nervous system routing. What a trip.

I 'felt' the reason was to keep the pain from triggering something on the right which would provide more... resistance.

I also wondered if my recent thoughts about Traeger (Trager?) related. This is a sort of healing art that from what little I know, works partly on the basis of the balance of the body. The way someone explained it to me eons ago, if you hurt your right ankle, in Trager they would spend a long time working out the energy physically and energetically in your LEFT ankle and then you would sleep; that the body attempts to balance and an injured side will attempt to mirror the healthier side or something like that. Anyway, I don't know why but I kept having that come to mind just last night, hadn't thought of it in years.

Tek and I visualized a bunch of energy being released from that area. It came out like hard, sharp, flat shapes, like dividers and walls but tiny. I pulled it all into my solar plexus chakra and imagined dissolving it to simply energy without the thought-forming. We did this twice.

Then he started putting something on me which had to be "built into me". My impression was that this was the real 'suit'.

On my right forearm the whole area was rapidly covered with little tiny short tubules that actually went 'into' me. Into my skin, into my energy-body equally I felt, and then just following that, a sort of skin that attached all of them, and allowed whatever energy was fed to/from them to mix and move around, grew to connect them all.

It took several minutes. He did my entire body, even my face and genitals and toes, sheesh, and then waved a hand and it sort of 'shrunk' to right against my skin and it no longer felt 'large and heavy' to me, it just felt like my skin was minutely thicker.

I thought there would be more, or that I would have some object to clean or work with, but he said no, this is what he wanted to do today. I asked what the purpose of this was.

He said (sort of, this is a translation) that the energy in my body is rather unbalanced, has many blocks and sluggish areas, some areas that don't get remotely enough, others that get too much, and now that I am more fully working with the Four and the Consortium I have more energy which makes this more problematic.

He indicated I would be wearing the suit and it would basically be regularly "redistributing energy" through my body and energy body as needed, working to break up blocks, clean up sluggish areas, fill in deprived areas, and vent energy from over stimulated areas. I asked how long I was supposed to wear it and he indicated indefinitely; I had the sense from him though that this was a thoughtform and that it would gradually both become part of me and fade away, so it had a life span in a way it just didn't have a hard edge on time.

Well that's... novel. None of the Teks have ever done anything quite like that before.


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