Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fluency with Archetype Meditations

I figured of all the stuff on the list, surely "fluency with archetype meditations" was the most important. Wasn't it some famous person who said if he had six hours to chop down a tree, he'd spend the first 5 sharpening his axe? I figured this meditation ought to be my version of sharpening the axe. In fact it occurred to me to wonder why I had never actually thought about doing an archmed ON archmeds before.

I paid a lot of attention to deliberately focusing on everything from the moment I appeared in my space on the plateau. I don't know why I'd kind of forgotten this, but a lot of what you eventually get out of an archmed depends on how much you've put in. By that I mean, if you pay no attention to anything until you get there, then when it doesn't seem very vivid, well that's partly because I'd been taking no effort to ground myself 'in' that world up to then. It's in part for the effect it has on the state of mind, of course. The more clear your process just of getting to IG is, the better the meditations are likely to be in some respects. So I made a point to really focus this time, feeling that IG was the one reminding me of all this.

So for the arch, which I turn around to see behind me, I had this response I've had a few times before: when I turned around to see it, I felt like I turned the wrong way. Like... like I was winding up in my sheets or something, where you just feel like turning that way is bringing resistance, so you need to turn the other way. Except when I turned the other way, that didn't work either. Finally I did a sort of backflip and that felt right. I thought that was odd as that is rare.

The arch was tall and sticklike with bizarre proportions a little like a human sized praying mantis with really dominant groucho-marx eyebrows that were somehow sticking out from everything else. It had a nearly human expression though.

Me: why are you so sticklike-skinny?
Arch: I haven't been "fleshed out".
(I nearly giggled at how obvious that was.)
I worked on fleshing him out and that went ok.
Me: why are your eyebrows like... like that?
Arch: Everything seems difficult to believe.
(I realized that's what the look amounted to.)
I worked with him awhile and it felt ok. In the end he turned out like a normal person. I swear I've had more 'normal person' archetypes with this IG than all the others combined I think. Or maybe I am getting less weird in some way and it's me and not her!

But I had the feeling there was something else.

I got a flash of a face. Human, but there was this stripe of red like paint or something that went across the eyes, which were small, and it seemed to be lying down, and the eyes made it seem... unhappy. I refocused on that data point and had the feeling there was something wrong with this creature. Wrong in the head, like physically sick. I put out my hand and imagined pulling out all the wrong energy, and what seemed like a black cancerous disgusting something formed but I had a real "rush" as I was doing that, body-wide, so I figured it was really working. When that seemed completed, I imagined sending all that yucky energy into super deep in the earth where it could work on cleansing it, and then the archetype actually seemed ok and like a normal person.

"I'm ready for more!" I shouted back at IG.

Something fell from the sky and landed like 3 inches in front of me, startled the shit out of me, and a humanoid over-thin figure covered in a black insect exo-skeleten instantly grabbed me by the throat and started choking me. But I was in far too good a mood for that. "So," I said to it cheerfully and with a real sense of hilarity -- another Matrix ref, wait for it -- "You think that's AIR I'm breathing in my head?!" and as it seemed a bit nonplussed I imagined just sending this overwhelming wave of pure energy-love at its very middle-inside, and I felt it starting to bulge until finally I poured so much into it that the black just exploded and standing in front of me was an ordinary guy, no longer choking me. I grinned and wrapped my arms around him and imagined we merged. I only felt a minor rush but I didn't mind because I had the feeling that one had gone well. I was proud that instead of having to yell for IG to save me I had 'dealt with it' in such a positive way.

But I had the feeling there was something else. "IG," I said, "What else can I do on this med?"

"Open your heart to me," she says. I had the feeling she was being literal on this and not metaphorical. So I imagined that I opened a set of double doors that had covered my heart, and I pulled them wide open so it was exposed to her. As she came near me, either me or she or both imagined it got huge and literally she walked right into it. She seemed to merge into it and then expanded to merge into my whole body, so we were together. I didn't have any rush, but I did feel the merge.

I was about to ask her why she did that when I realized I could feel it, and maybe she did it so I could feel it properly: there was some specific physical energy block in my back on the left side. I got a good sense of it and held that as I project my attention outside "our" body and started doing energy work to pull it out. It was shaped like a metal carrot or something. I dropped it to the grille I now stood on, imagined it liquifying and the liquid becoming chemically inert as it fell into the sewer system below. (This is the symbolism I use in cleaning-room meds, as it tells the physical body to put any vented chemical in the waste systems of the body.)

I rejoined her, and then I could feel another, in the hip area on my back on the left. So I did it again. I rejoined her again, and felt another, in the neck-shoulder area of my back on the left. Hard not to notice they were all on the left. Hard not to notice the left is what's associated with the feminine and the receptive, too. I got the 'pieces' out and then called in "the violet flame" (total 'transmutation' concept of fire) through us, and then I felt that we were done, it was ok, and I'd gotten down what she was hoping to help with.

Feeling quite positive and cheerful at this point, in part because this med was slightly more vivid and kinesthetic than a few I've had lately, I said, "Ok IG, I want to meditate on something else, anything, you choose!"

I started to put some conditions on that but changed my mind.

When I turned around, I couldn't see anything. No I mean, I could see everything, the landscape, but I couldn't see the archetype. Yet I could feel something was there. I searched with my eyes around the entire area where the arch usually is and when I got up pretty high I saw a slight 'distortion' in the visual field as if to indicate something "transparent" was there.

I considered that. What creative visualization could I do that would make something non-transparent? I imagined Star Trek and I thought ok, I am now tuning my head to a frequency where whatever frequency that energy is at, is now totally visible. So I did that, imagining a dial knob on my head haha, and it came into view.

It was a house-sized galosha. You know, those oversized rubber boots people wear over shoes, although the last time I wore one I was probably four years old. I considered it for a few moments before deciding this was seriously odd and no matter what needed doing with it, the one thing I felt very clearly is that it was not supposed to be rubber and that just had to change.

Feeling pretty cheerful still, I called in Sun, Jupiter and Mars (spur of the moment is all, no great reason for those aside from Sun) to help me, and they all merged into me temporarily as I put my hands against the rubber and imagined that we were changing the molecular structure of this object into something else. It actually changed so fast I was surprised, and it vanished, as if maybe it was actually just "hiding" something to start with, as opposed to "being" something of its own.

I was looking at a totally ordinary looking young woman with medium brown hair, brown eyes. I could see her surprisingly well.

Me: Well you're... you look like an ordinary person.
Her: I am, where I come from. I am part of your Consortium.

I considered her critically. Was this imagination-for-real?

Me: Why would you say a thing like that?
Her: Because it's so.
I resisted. No, that's just not normal!

Me: Nero! (He appeared to my left) Is she part of your group?
Nero: Yes, she's part of us.
Me: But that's impossible. She's an archetype! Not an aspect-of-me Guide.
Nero: You didn't ask for an archetype. You told IG she could choose what you meditated on. That's what she chose.

I was kind of stunned.

Me: You mean IG can have me meditate on stuff that isn't archetypes??
Nero: You should know already IG can do anything.

I just had to sit there absorbing that for a minute. Earlier that evening me and my boyfriend had been talking about doing meditations that let our mind 'show us whatever it was most interested in/needed to work with' so maybe there'd be less interference during RV work. When RV is your only time of sitting quietly and becoming receptive, maybe the stuff we're interested in is going to come through then, sometimes in competition with our attempt to describe the target instead of whatever we're actually getting more strongly. Might IG be able to deal with that, to "vent off" energy that we were pulling to us and needed to "deal with" before we got to psychic work we didn't want interference with?

I turned back to the girl. She was just so ... so ... NORMAL looking.

Me: What is your name? I've got to have something to call you.

I felt that she was trying to tell me, but my typical "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" with Guides suddenly went into effect and I could hear nothing. I sensed her frustration. But more strongly, I sensed this feeling I used to get a lot in my Bewilderness days:

I felt as if I could "feel the shape of the sound" inside me. Sound has a geometry. The problem is, English just doesn't match it well. So I feel like I am searching sounds, syllables, trying to find the right sound that will "match the feel of the shape of the energy" so that the energy and 'sound' will "match". English sucks! It's really hard. Usually it can't be done and you have to combine a whole long paragraph of English together to come out with a sort of larger-average-conglomerate that "kind of" matches the shape-of-sound instead. But you can't name someone by a paragraph, so that wouldn't work here. I felt so frustrated as I could FEEL, intuitively, the energy-shape, and I ran through sounds with my mouth and head, trying to find what matched.

Finally I said, "Nero, IG, help us with this please. I'm going to really really really concentrate on being 'open' in the throat chakra and I want you to give me the sound and I mean really GIVE me the SOUND, as AUDIO, because I am just not getting it intuitively!" And I focused incredibly hard on being "open to data" in that area and of that nature, and worked to "let go of" all the AOL I could feel I was holding based on sounds I'd gone through repeatedly in my search. I "kind of" got some audio. I worked with it, and with the feel, and asking to get it again, until finally I had the actual SOUND of the name. Or at least, I felt, "a name that worked for her," even if maybe it wasn't perfectly whatever her real name was.

I had the feeling that she wanted me to write it down so she could work out the spelling. I wrote it down and felt her respond like, "That isn't right. Try again, something more in the middle that stretches the central sound." So I tried again, and after half a dozen times, I finally got it right, and she felt that it was right. So her name is:


Which sounds like Bo-LAIR-en. (I initially wrote as Boleran, and now I see why she wanted me to change it.) Of course, I've never heard of such a name, but just as well. Maybe it would be weird if my guide's name was Linda or something.

I turned to Sun and Jupiter and Mars and hugged them. I had a cool rush while hugging Jupiter, who I was thinking of meditating on recently. (Jupiter astrologically is associated with family/household I believe. Or something that felt right.)

I decided since Bolehren is a guide like Nero, not an archetype, I felt a little different about her; the whole merge thing didn't seem appropriate. I can't remember now how I ended it with her. I only remember that I looked back at IG to see if there was yet-more.

IG: You want more?
"I'm a machine," I joked (another Matrix ref). So I asked for the next thing on the list I'd written down, "My cars and computers", but I'll cover that in another post.

1 comment:

KMG said...

"I dropped it to the grille I now stood on, imagined it liquifying and the liquid becoming chemically inert as it fell into the sewer system below. (This is the symbolism I use in cleaning-room meds, as it tells the physical body to put any vented chemical in the waste systems of the body.)"

Ooh, thanks for that. That's such a useful way of disposing nasty energy. I have always used an incinerator but I get this nagging feeling of worry about smoke (silly, I know, but it's very strong). I'll try this method.

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